Add-in AutoExit 2008 for Windows Home Server

Terry from We Got Served has published information about a new add-in which allows you to shut down and reboot machines in your home network from within the WHS console.
The add-in AutoExit 2008 allows you to execute these actions per machine or for all machines. You can also send messages to the different machines, configuring the timeout/message plus there is even support for opening a Remote Desktop session to the remote machines and also to the server. Statistics are kept of all actions, so that a detailed trace can be viewed when certain actions were executed.


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  1. Jeroen says:

    I tried this one and it is already very good for being a beta version.

    Has lots of options and it is simple to use…

    Good work!

  2. TheJudge says:

    I don’t see this add-in listed in the Developers section of WHS forums yet. May want to have them post it there too.

  3. Downloaded it and installed it but none of the functions work. Just gives me a error code when i try to send a message and the other commands dont do anything. I tried doing commands on two PCs. one with a firewall, and one without. Was this product even ever tested? Two thumbs down.

  4. Hi TheJudge,

    Long time no hear. I have informed them about posting on the Developer section of the WHS forums.

  5. Hi Drew Gauderman,

    I have just tested it my end and all seems to be ok?

  6. I got an email back from the developer, you have to have WinXP for the messages to work. Since there is no documentation, i didnt know that at the time. But the restart and shutdown commands still down work, so i assume you need WinXP for that also 🙁

    Both of my systems are Vista.

  7. Hi Drew Gauderman,

    Thanks for the update. Thats good info to know.

  8. Jeroen says:

    Hi Drew,

    I also have Vista and it works BUT what I noticed is that you have to have a user account on the client (Vista) machine in order to shut down, so probably it is a security problem with the user that is logged onto the server, not having admin rights on the Vista machine.

    And regarding the help, there is a help included, just click the Help button in the console.

    I also mailed them for the message sending in Vista but it just isn’t in yet, will probably be for the next beta version.

    My 2cts

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