Win Windows Home Server Books

Andrew Edney is a fellow Windows Home Server MVP, author of the book Windows Home Server User’s Guide and webmaster of the newly revamped website Using Windows Home Server.

Andrew (who also loves cats as well as his Home Server) has kindly donated 2 copy’s of his comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Microsoft’s Windows Home Server for us to give away.

WHS User's Guide

So if you fancy a copy being shipped to you (as long as you reside on planet Earth) then simply leave a comment to this post explaining why you would like a copy. But make sure you do so before Friday the 1st of May, as then we will randomly choose 2 winners and email you for your mailing details.

Good Luck

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Comments (24)

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  1. Andrew Edney says:

    Thanks Phil – I’m not “that cat guy” though πŸ™‚

  2. slade says:

    finding the happyness to receive book guide

  3. Eric Matz says:

    I definitely fancy a copy!!

  4. McRad says:

    If this was a ‘…. For Dummies’ guide I would not have replied, as I am no Dummy. This is however a User guide, and guess what, I am a User. So I’d like a copy!! πŸ˜‰

  5. Chris says:

    I would like a copy to help me install, configure and troubleshoot windows home server.

  6. Brad J says:

    I would love to read this book, especially the troubleshooting section. I’m getting backup errors left and right and the repair database option doesn’t work. After I click repair, the backup service stops running!

  7. Orlando says:

    This book would be great to read to guide me through a great MS product: Windows Home Server. I’m going to build my own WHS and use VPN as well as other technologies to backup my family’s computers.
    I could really use it.

  8. Mike says:

    I think I know how to handle the WHS beast then bam! I am hit again in some archane fashion by more. Having a manual would be a blessing.

  9. Kick says:

    I’m running my WHS for almost a year now and last month it saved my life (and my marriage :P). My disc in my pc crashed and within 2 hours (after installing a new drive) I had everything back -exactly as it was before!!!
    So I love WHS and I sure love to have a copy of this undoubtly great informative guide! WHS ROCKS!!!

  10. Served says:

    Well, if I don’t get a free copy, then I’ll have to PAY for one!!

    Now, you wouldn’t want that on your head, would you?

  11. Pete Nicholls says:

    As a fellow Brit (now residing in Georgia, USA), surely you would like me to have a copy of Andrews book! Besides, with it being written in the Queen’s english, I’m sure I’ll be able to understand it. Cheers and Beers.

  12. Andy Henyecz says:

    gimme, gimme, gimme
    Actually would love the book

  13. Emory Lehman says:

    I’ve been watching all the goings on with WHS, and do need a good book to walk me through some of the finer details. I do have a WHS box and it has saved my behind a few times. Keep up the good work!!

  14. Mark Pogue says:

    I would appreciate a copy of Windows Home Server User’s Guide. Having just received my HP EX 485 on April 21st I’m in the beginning phase of learning. Andrew Edney’s book would be a great tool to get me started in the right direction as I intend to use my new server as a learning platform so that I may be able to contribute to the WHS in the future.

    Thank you for your considerate contribution.

  15. I’m planning to build a Home Server myself, so I would also like to have a copy of the book.

  16. Tim Franke says:

    I would love a copy of the book! I am actually currently searching for a good windows home server book that will enlighten me on better ways to use and repair my server. I received my HP EX server about 8 months ago.

  17. Corey Thomas says:

    Very cool. I’d like to get a copy of this book to help make the most out of my WHS! πŸ™‚

  18. Jordan says:

    What a nice book!

  19. Paul Higgins says:

    I’m getting ready to convert an old PC into a WHS, so this book would be very helpful to me.

  20. Cyril says:

    Plan to get a WHS for my new home. So what’s better than read the manual πŸ™‚

  21. Matthew says:

    I would like a copy of the book as I own an EX485 and am building a Frankenserver for a SOHO solution. The book strikes me as a tremendous resource. Additionally, I’m constructing a mobile WHS in the form of an old laptop with an increased capacity hard disk and more ram. While I’m at it, anyone have any comments as to how well a 1.6 Ghz Dothan core Pentium M will do for WHS with PP2? I’m undecided on 1 Gig of ram or 1.5 Gigs of ram. Perhaps the book would help me decide.

  22. Andy Pan says:


    I would like a copy because:

    1. I am at mobile service group, would like to explore the possibility to integrate the power between the WHS and Mobile

    2. I am a Microsoft R&D employee, appreciate your contribution on MS product

    3. I am in China, so will cost u more if you choose me…

    Thank you and have a wonderful day.

  23. Tyler Parker says:

    I’d love a copy. I’m always trying to get the best out of my home server, and constantly striving to learn more! =]

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