By Philip Churchill on December 17th, 2014
Add-In: My Movies for Windows – Home and Essentials v5.12 Pre Release 2
The pre release version of My Movies for Windows – Home and Essentials has been updated to version 5.12
Pre Release 2.
This latest pre-release has the following change log:
- Added: Tracking of watched marking and progress on "Play all episodes" and other playlist based watching in MediaPlayer Classic.
- Added: Option to hide season level on TV Series with only one season.
- Added: Remote event handler for Samsung TV’s.
- Added: Auro 3D audio track types
- Added: Option to tag two main movies in the meta-data for disc titles containing two editions.
- Added: Option to tag two main movies in the meta-data for disc titles containing two editions.
- Change: Various improvements and adjustments to using MPC-HC or MPC-BE as main player for all titles.
- Change: Facebook login updated to support new Facebook API’s, to avoid deprecation.
- Change: Including AnyDVD’s disc.inf file when copying a BDMV folder.
- Change: disc.inf from AnyDVD used to play correct main movie when playing titles with MPC.
- Fix: A bug in the path check for disc titles could report a change to a title even though nothing had changed.
- Fix: Collection number for TV Series wasn’t registered on webservices when contributing a new tv series.
- Fix: Change source through folder import for TV Series didn’t show the correct dialog, and didn’t fill in the correct fields.
- Fix: Media information was not displayed for discs inserted into drives.
- Fix: Time improvement on disc title load in Collection Management. Check of complete percentage is now done in the background.
- Fix: Reading of chapter structure on blu-ray had some issues in a few specific circumstances.
- Fix: Informative message is now returned, if user tries to add a monitored item to converter, and the item is not in a supported format.
- Fix: Disc id not passed correct to edit episodes dialog, meaning that it may say that the disc was not found.
- Fix: AnyDVD state was not always read correct on X86 devices.
- Fix: The service could crash due to a notification object being run through and added to at the same time.
- Fix: Cover type did not display correct in preview.
- Fix: Settings could break if a previously selected cover style was no longer available.
- Fix: There could be a problem in the response from the API when requesting play options, if title had multiple discs, with one having play options, and the other not.
- Fix: columns for episode editing are now set to best fit the content.
- Fix: Chapter times for blu-rays needed to be read differently in some scenarios.
- Fix: Issue that could cause BDMV playlist folders to be added as video folder.
- Fix: Some internal dates on connected movies where not updated on title delete, which could result in an indication that the movie wasn’t in sync with the server.
More details including the download can be found here.
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