Author Archive for Philip Churchill


Improve Collaboration in Small Businesses Using WS2012 R2 Essentials

TechNet have published a guide on how to improve collaboration in small and midsize businesses. Who is this guide intended for? Small and midsize businesses that are looking for a secure way to collaborate with partners and vendors. How can this guide help you? You can use this solution guide to understand the high-level solution […]


The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 263

Episode 263 of the Home Server Show podcast is all about Meetup 2014: “It’s a Meetup 2014 Overview with Jim Collison, John Stutsman, and Kevin Schoonover.  Also some news, SSD and Hard Drive pricing continues to plummet.” You can find episode 263 here.


The 4th Annual Home Server Show Meetup

The Home Server Show are now taking bookings for Meetup 2014. The 4th Annual Home Server Show Meetup is taking place in Indianapolis between Friday evening, Sept 19th to Sunday morning Sept 21st. The meetup is more a gathering of friends than a learning event, but the camaraderie and community at these events is not […]


Home Gadget Geeks Talk Home Server

Episode 171 of the Home Gadget Geeks podcast has John Zajdler and John Greenaway join host Jim Collison for lots of gadget talk including lots on Windows Home Server. You can listen to episode 171 here.


Troubleshooting VPN Issues on WS2012 R2 Essentials

Troubleshooting Common VPN issues on Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials is a new article published on the Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server Blog. This article explains the common problems that could result in failure of VPN functionality in your Windows Server Essentials environment, so is a good read if you are experiencing VPN […]


Add-In: StableBit DrivePool v2.1.0.558

StableBit DrivePool for Windows Home Server 2011, Windows Server 2012 Essentials, Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials plus more has been updated to version This latest release has the following change log: Unnecessary error reports were being generated after the last pooled drive was removed. Logging in as a different user when remote controlling was […]


Add-In: Drive Bender v2.1.1.0

Drive Bender has been updated to version Here is the change log to this latest version: [Bug fix] Fixed memory leak occurring when file security is being checked. [Bug fix] Fixed memory leak occurring when a file or folder is denied access. [Updated feature] Minor performance improvement to folder / file enumeration. [Updated feature] […]


Lots About My Movies 5

Would you like to know more about My Movies 5? If so, then the Entertainment 2.0 podcast has Brian Binnerup of My Movies chatting to hosts Josh and Richard on episode 280, which you can find here.


Add-In: Drive Bender v2.1.0.5

Drive Bender for WHS2011 and Windows Server 2012 Essential users has been updated. Release has the following change log: [Bug fix] The Drive Bender Manager fails to start if the Windows font scaling setting is not 100%. [Bug fix] When a file is being created, a target location is not being found. [Bug fix] […]


The Cloud Xtender Project

Cloud Xtender from the guys who bring us Drive Bender allows a users to create a local drive on their machine that points to one or more cloud drives. The number and type of cloud providers is not limited, and you specify rules that determine file placement. It’s an interesting project which will be with […]