Category: Tutorial


Virtual Home Server without a Spare PC

Website Instructables takes us through a 7 step process on how to make a virtual Home Server without the need for a spare PC! This is accomplished by installing WHS in the VM software "Oracle VirtualBox". Their tutorial starts off by showing us how to set up the VM in VirtualBox, followed by setting up […]


The Path not found issue in CloudBerry Backup

Version 1.7 of CloudBerry Backup runs the backup process using the service regardless whether you start it interactively using the console or by schedule. This was done to offer consistent results in manual and scheduled backup. This is important because when you run the backup manually you run it under your own user account. On […]


Does Demigrator.exe Interrupt your Media Streaming

When streaming high definition (HD) content between his Windows Home Server and Media Center Mike from PricklyTech writes that the streams are regularly interrupted by Demigrator.exe on WHS. Mike attempted to fix the problem by installing the tool ThreadMaster on Home Server and details how he set it up and configured it to work with […]


Install a New Hard Drive on WHS

Website "Home System Integration" have a tutorial on how to install a new hard drive into Windows Home Server v1 by using the Disk Management console before adding the drive to the Home Server Storage Pool. Its a great tutorial with plenty of pics (we like pics) for those of us who have never done […]


Reunite a Rebuilt Connected PC with its Former Backups

If you are rebuilding a connected computer because of a hard drive failure or for an OS upgrade for example, you may notice that that computer is listed as a new PC in the WHS Console even though you used the same name. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make your newly rebuilt computer […]


Ubuntu on the HP MediaSmart

Norwegian Dag Olav decided he wanted to try Linux on his HP MediaSmart EX490 and did so by installing the distro Ubuntu onto it. You can follow Dag’s adventures here.


Remotely Terminate your Remote Desktop Connection

One of our most read posts here at MSWHS is one which was written back in June of 2007 entitled, “ERROR The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”. When a user establishes a Remote Desktop connection to the WHS this connection will remain active until the user selects “Log Off” from […]


10 Steps to Connect a computer to your Windows Home Server Vail

Home System Integration have got a good article showing how to connect your computer to Windows Home Server Vail. They go through installing the connector software and configuring once up and running. Check it out here. Written by Matthew Glover


Adding a Hard Drive to the Asus TS mini

LinusTechTips have another video, this time on upgrading a hard drive in the Asus TS mini. [youtube=] Their 8 minute video walks you through the process, as well as having a look at the internals of the Asus unit.


Backing Up your WHS System Files

The How-To Geek explains how to backup your Windows Home Server system state. And why is that important you may ask? Here’s what the geek had to say in his own words: Sometimes when your making tweaks to WHS or installing certain Add-Ins, it can make the system unstable. Here we take a look at […]