Category: Tutorial


WHS Shared Folders from the Windows 7 Taskbar

HomeServerLand have a great post on how to pin your Windows Home Server shared folders to the Windows 7 taskbar. Fellow MVP Alexander Kent has translated the original German text from Windows Guru Bjoern Buerstinghaus for this excellent tip, which i am using right now. Alexander takes us through the necessary steps, which you can […]


Shared Folder Tutorial

The How-To Geek returns with another tutorial and this one explains how to access your shared folders, create and delete them, manage permissions, enable folder duplication and change folder properties too. You can find it here.


Advanced Admin Console Walkthrough

The Advanced Admin Console add-in is designed for advanced Windows Home Server users so they can have more control over their Home Server’s. The add-in has many features and the How-To Geek (again) has a great guide that takes you through the setup and the various features of the add-in, which you can find here.


EX47x MediaSmart Memory Upgrade Video

With the latest news of the 3.0 software for HP MediaSmart owners here (nearly), you would have read that EX47x owners will need to upgrade their memory to at least 1GB to get the full experience of the software. Now since the MediaSmart’s are not the easiest units to get in to, the Home Server […]


Setting up the Windows Media Center Connector

Setting up the Windows Media Center Connector to Windows Home Server is quite simple, but if you need a helping hand then the How-To Geek is there to help. They have a great illustrated guide which you can find here.


Restart WHS from within a Remote Desktop Connection

The "Tenniswood Blog" has a great tip for those of you who use Microsoft Remote Desktop connection in Windows – What do you mean you don’t! The tip explains how to shut down or restart Windows Home Server (or Media Center) from within a Remote Desktop Connection, which you can find here.


Backing up a Remote PC to WHS

The "Using Windows Home Server" website has a great post on backing up a remote PC (e.g. your parents or a relative) to Windows Home Server using Hamachi. Once the Hamachi network is configured between the remote PC and WHS, automatic backups can be performed as well streaming music to that remote location as well. […]


Backup WHS Shared Folders Using Robocopy

If you want be backup your Windows Home Server shared folders to an external NAS drive, you would have noticed that its a manual process and no scheduler is included, but bobbo33 from the Productive Geek forums has come up with a solution. By using Robocopy and creating a WHS User named "Backup", bobbo33 explains […]


How to Create a WHS Restore Disc

Do you have a Windows Home Server restore disc? If not, the How-To Geek has a guide on how to create one in either Windows 7, Vista or XP which you can find here.


Backup SBS to WHS

Microsoft employee "The IO Guy" has a great post on an unsupported way to back up Small Business Server (SBS) to Windows Home Server. He installed the WHS connector software onto SBS 2008, but as Home Server is not a solution to backup things like Exchange, Active Directory and SQL databases he used the built […]