Home Server Show 1st Annual Meetup

The Home Server Show are planning the 1st annual meet up for Saturday June 25th at Fort Atkinson in Wisconsin (US). Just an hour from both Milwaukee and Madison, the guys plan to do some podcasting, and possibly have a speaker or two.

Home Server Show 1st Annual Meetup

More details are available here.

Add-In: WHSuTorrent Alpha

We now have a uTorrent add-in for WHS2011. WHSuTorrent is in alpha release stage, and there are still some unsolved issues (especially with the setup) that need to be solved. Do not attempt the install this release if you are unfamiliar with concepts such as WCF/IIS/Common Sense.

uTorrent for WHS2011
This add-in uses uTorrent’s WebUI for getting torrent info, so you need uTorrent and the WebUI enabled. BitTorrent, Azureus, Vuze and other torrent clients are not supported.

uTorrent for WHS2011 Remote Web Access
This version will  only be operational until end May, at which point it will cease to function.

WHSuTorrent Alpha ( :
Included in this release :

  • View/control your torrents via the WHS 2008 Remote site
  • Add/Delete torrents
  • Change torrent queue order
  • Pause/Stop torrents
  • Add torrents by specifying a torrent URL to be downloaded
  • Simple graphing that displays download speed history
  • Configuration wizard

Not included in this release (planned for next release) :

  • Add torrents by uploading torrent files
  • Torrent labels
  • More in-depth torrent information in the Details tab
  • Better security
  • Automated install process
  • User-specified update rate (if required, current is every 4 seconds)
  • Better artwork


  • This release is alpha quality. As such, it is not intended for production environments.
  • Read the installation instructions carefully.
  • Report any bugs by posting in this section of the forums at WeGotServed.

You can download this version directly using this link. (zip file)

Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 on the HP X510 and EX495

A user by the name of mimoid has written a post on the WeGotServed forums on installing Windows Server 2008 R2 on the old HP X510 (and EX495).

Windows Server 2008 R2 Logo HP x510

These old WHS v1 boxes are perfectly capable of running Windows Server 2008 R2 and mimoid explains that is needed and how to do it

…you will still need to enable the Remote Desktop service and also configure the firewall to allow RDP connections. This sounds awfully complicated without seeing what you are doing, but is in fact remarkably easy to do.

You can find his guide here.

WHS Phone Add-In to Support WHS2011

WHS Phone Logo

If you use the add-in WHS Phone, and also use WHS2011, then we have some good news for you.

We have been told from the developer that their next release of their add-in will support WHS2011 and also that you will not have to buy the app again if you have bought the WHS v1 version.

“WHS Phone will use the same app for both WHS v1 and WHS 2011. You will NOT have to buy the app again. There will be a different add-in for WHS 2011 and the download page will have both add-ins once 1.4 is out.”

We are looking forward to version 1.4 – Are you?

More details on WHS Phone are available from here.

WHS2011 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) Available

The OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) for WHS2011 and the rest of the Colorado family is available for download by system builders.

The kit is Intended for system builders who preinstall either of the following products for their customers:

  • Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials (SBS 2011 Essentials)
  • Windows Home Server 2011
  • Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials

The OPK contains tools and documentation and is available in the following languages:

  • Chinese – Traditional
  • Chinese – Traditional(Hong Kong)
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish


Depending on the language of the IMG file downloaded, its size is between a whopping 1.5GB and 2.2GB

Registered system builders and OEMs can download their copy from here.

KeepVault Giveaway – Day 5

Its day 5, and we are giving away our final 40GB KeepVault Pro account for Windows Home Server users.

There are two types of KeepVault accounts, the Standard account and the Pro & Business account. If you needed to restore your data using KeepVault for WHS the restore tab offers 2 ways to restore your data in the standard account whilst the Pro & Business account offers 4 options. So todays question is:

What is 1 of the options to restore your data in the Pro & Business account which isn’t in the standard account?

KeepVault Standard Version File Recovery

Answers to competition@mswhs.com, one winner will be chosen out of all the correct entries received and to help you with todays question you can check this forum post.

More information on KeepVault for Windows Home Server can be found here.

UPDATE: Day 5 of the KeepVault Giveaway competition is now closed.

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 131


Episode 131 of The Home Server Show podcast has plenty of news discussion, add-ins and this week, WHS2011 planning from drive size, location, internal and external.

The mega 2 hour show number 131 can be downloaded from here.

Add-In: WakeOnLAN 1.0.0

AWIECO have just released the final version of their add-in WakeOnLAN for Windows Home Server 2011.

WakeOnLAN 1.0.0 in Dashboard

The free add-in enables you to remotely turn on a computer, enables the Server to start up every computer attached to your network and you  can also power off a computer out of the Launchpad.

WakeOnLAN 1.0.0 Remote Web Access

More information is available from here.

KeepVault Connector How-To

Sean Dainiel from SeanDaniel.com has written about the KeepVault Connector.

KeepVault Connector WHS Settings

KeepVault for WHS includes ‘KeepVault Connector’ which archives, in real-time, new/changed files from PCs/laptops to your WHS, where they are automatically backed-up by the KeepVault WHS software, or as Sean puts it:

This add-in allows you to do the incredible.  Back up roaming computers via a “Sync” while the computer is connected to the Internet, anywhere.  Now I use Windows Live Mesh to sync most of my items between my computers and the cloud, but there are some things that I don’t.  For example, if I’m travelling and I process photos, those don’t get into my Mesh, but I still worry about them.  This solution solves that.

Sean uses his experience to show us how to get it setup, which you can find here.

KeepVault Giveaway – Day 4

Its day 4 of our KeepVault giveaway where you can win a 40GB KeepVault Pro account.

KeepVault Logo

For todays question, current statistics show that ? in every ten hard drives fail each year, what is that number?

Answers to competition@mswhs.com, one winner will be chosen out of all the correct entries received and as always more details on KeepVault (including the answer) can be found here.

UPDATE: Day 4 of the KeepVault Giveaway competition is now closed.