Configure Time Machine with Windows Home Server 2011

TomOnTech has a great tutorial up on how to configure Time Machine with Windows Home Server 2011.

Time Machine with WHS2011

The how-to explains setting up Time Machine for a Mac client with the backups being stored on WHS2011. From setting things up from within the Dashboard to creating the SparseImage file, Tom takes us through the steps necessary to get this setup and running which you can read about here.

Should you Upgrade to WHS2011

Both WeGotServed and TheDigitalMediaZone have guides on should you be upgrading to WHS2011 and if so, how to plan that migration across.


The WeGotServed guide takes a comparison between version 1 and WHS2011 looking at areas such as cost, hardware requirements and support. It looks at how remote access and the Dashboard/Launchpad compare with the Console and other key feature areas such as storage and backup/restore.
At the end of the comprehensive 5 page document you then have the option of scoring these areas your self to see if you should be upgrading to WHS2011 or staying with version1.

TheDigitalMediaZone guide looks at the pros and cons of going over to WHS2011 and if you do, looks at planning for the upgrade and redundancy without Drive Extender.

Finally, “Windows Home Server 2011: To Upgrade or Not To Upgrade” is another article at WeGotServed where writer Jim Clark finally decides to go with WHS2011, taking us through his upgrade process. Starting on the Friday with the OS install, Saturday with the data migration and Sunday with the copy over one more share, setup the backups and install an add-in or two. You can read Jim’s 6 page post here.

CloudBerry Online Backup–The Winners

On the last day of March we were giving away 3 copies  of CloudBerry online backup for World Backup Day 2011.  We asked you to tell us tell why using Windows Home Server with CloudBerry online backup is the ideal backup solution. Well, on Friday we picked the 3 best answers not out of a hat (because we have not got one), but out of a kitchen mixing bowl (thanks to the wife:).

And here are the 3 winners of the superb online backup software for Windows Home Server users, in no particular order:

Geo: As good as windows home server is there is a major flaw, it’s not fire proof, flood proof or tornado proof so an add in such as cloudberry protects your data against such things.

Duane: I currently have 2 external drives backing up the my data. The only problem with that, is that they are in the same location as the server so fi disaster strikes, there goes the data. It would be nice to have it off site and this is a perfect solution.

Richard: With Windows Home Server, it’s all about backing-up your most important digital assets: your digital life, in a nutshell. WHS makes it easy to get all the content in one place, but what if something were to happen to your WHS box, or if it was stolen?
With CloudBerry Backup, backing up your Windows Home Server is ‘install-and-forget’ easy. With backup options including Amazon S3 and Windows Azure, you can now truly make certain that you never, ever lose another file ever again because your WHS box will be kept in sync with the cloud.

Congratulations to the 3 of you, you will be receiving your copy digitally shortly from CloudBerry Lab

Add-In Translators Required

Now that WHS2011 supports 19 languages, add-in developer Martin Rothschink is looking for translators for his add-in Lights-Out.


Martin states that anyone who does a translation for him will get a free license to Lights-Out. Interested? You can contact him at support at axonet dot de

Here is his current list:

English Complete
French Complete
German Complete
Japanese Complete
Chinese (Simplified) Partial
Chinese (Traditional Taiwan) Partial
Italian Partial
Spanish Partial
Chinese (Hong Kong) Missing
Czech Missing
Dutch Missing
Hungarian Missing
Korean Missing
Polish Missing
Portuguese (Brazil) Missing
Portuguese (Portugal) Missing
Russian Missing
Swedish Missing
Turkish Missing

Setup a Removable WHS Backup Drive

The Home Server Integration Blog has a tutorial on how to backup your Windows Home Server (v1) to a USB drive, enabling it to act as a removable WHS backup drive enabling you to store your data outside of your home.

Removable WHS Backup Drive Tutorial

Its a great comprehensive guide by Tom Abell which you can find here.

Add-In: DriveInfo 1.0.0

The final version of the free add-in AWIECO DriveInfo is now available.

The add-in integrates itself into the "Server Folders and Hard Drives" area of your Dashboard and shows a graphical overview of your hard disks, drives and shares inside the Dashboard, showing the usage of the drives as well as folders in a bar chart for every disk.

DriveInfo 1.0.0

More details are available from here.

Add-In: RemoteLauncher 1.0.0

The final version of the add-in AWIECO RemoteLauncher has been launched.

The free ad–in enables you to have more administrative possibilities to manage your WHS remotely by having access to predefined or manually added system tools.

RemoteLauncher 1.0.0 Dashboard

You can get your copy from here.

Add-In: Lights-Out RC 1.5.0 build 1470

The power saving add-in Lights-Out for WHS2011 and WHS v1 has a new update in the form of Release Candidate 1.5.0 build 1470.

Lights-Out RC 1.5.0 build 1470

Changes in WHS2011 version:

  • Added standby action to Remote Access web site
  • Added WOL and timer based wake-up for clients
  • Some minor bug fixes and translation changes

Changes for WHS v1 version since 1.0.4:

  • Added client actions for shutdown, standby and reboot
  • Added share monitor
  • Added console session monitor
  • Added display of active monitors
  • Added day slider to uptime chart
  • Added display of scheduled backup times to computer tab
  • Added timer support for scheduled client wake-up
  • Fixed distorted status page when DPI setting of display has been changed to a nonstandard value or when big fonts have been used
  • Fixed missing timer reset when standard action or wait time has been changed
  • Fixed bug in handling start/stop service names
  • Changed background and font colors to allow high contrast themes

Download Links:

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 130

This weeks offering from The Home Server Show podcast is available, and this week is 97 minutes of Home Server goodness!


Lots of news and views from the guys including add-in news, details on DataCore (the Drive Extender type add-in) and more from episode 130.

WHS2011 on the HP MediaSmart Servers

We posted a link back in March to a guide on installing WHS2011 onto a HP EX485, EX487, EX490, EX495, X510 DataVault or an LX195. Since then Sean Daniel has also written a guide on installing Windows Home Server’s latest version on the no longer supported EX490/495 or DataVault which includes details on how to create the bootable thumb drive, erasing the primary OS hard drive and how to finally install WHS2011.


Its great information for those of you with a HP MediaSmart (or equivalent) wanting to install WHS2011, which you can find here.