The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 126


More add-in news in this weeks episode of "The Home Server Show" podcast.

Plus Home Server news and views in episode 126 which you can get from here.

Add-In: WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial

The trial version of WHS Phone for Android is now available in the Android Market.

WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial Main Screen WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial Server

Control your Windows Home Server on the Go!
WHS Phone for Android allows users to monitor their Windows Home Server from anywhere they have a data connection!

This app does require a Home Server Add-in available from and is currently only available to users of Windows Home Server v1 (not Vail).

You can modify user and share permissions on the go, monitor network health, and check server storage use in seconds!

You can also browse all of your shared files and folders on the go, view and download your photos, and also stream music directly from your server.

This Free Trial version does not allow you to change permissions or suppress network notifications. It also only returns the first 10 items in any directory. Look for the full version in the Market soon!

WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial Network

It currently only supports WHS v1 but is defiantly worth a try if you are an Android user.

 WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial Pictures WHS Phone for Android 1.2.3 Trial Now Playing

Available from the Android Market with more information available on WHS Phone from here.

Giving a Shared Folder its own Drive Letter

ServeTheHome has a great tutorial on how to map a network drive or a WHS share so that it appears with a drive letter within My Computer/Computer in Windows.


A great easy way for a shared folder to have its own drive letter on a Windows PC for easier access, which you can read about here.

Training Videos Great for WHS2011

The Microsoft Download Center has a great list of training videos on Windows Small Business Server 2011.

SBS 2011 Training Videos

These Learning Bites are worth a watch as the interface in the SBS 2011 Essentials Learning Bites is very similar to WHS2011 and lots can be learned from them.

You can find them here.

Health Notifications Via Email for WHS2011

Did you know that WHS2011 can send you health email notifications about Home Server without installing any add-ins?

Well it can and UsingWindowsHomeServer has the details on how to set it up so if WHS has a hiccup that you will be notified via email.

WHS2011 Alert Viewer

You can find the setup details here.

Windows 7 SP1 Causes RDP Certificate Error

If you have updated a Windows 7 computer to SP1 then you may experience an error message when attempting to establish a remote desktop connection to Windows Home Server.

RDP Revoke Error

Thankfully the solution is easy enough to accomplish, which you can find in a video from HomeServerLand.

Drive Bender Write-Up have a great write-up on Drive Bender which takes you through the configuration process from the Drive Bender pool manager to creating a  mount point.

Drive Bender Pool Manager

You can read it here.

Add-In: KeepVault 4.0 Public Beta

Proxure have just released a public beta of their earlier announced KeepVault 4.0 software.

This release supports WHS2011, SBS Essentials 2011, Breckenridge, WHSv1 and the Windows Desktop version and includes the following updates:

  • Backward compatible with existing KeepVault storage accounts
  • New platform support for Windows Home Server 2011 (code name Vail), Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials (code name Aurora) and Windows Storage Server (code name Breckenridge)
  • Protect multiple versions of files (pro version only)
  • 256bit encryption (pro version only).  Standard version continues to use 128bit encryption
  • Updated download portal.  Easier navigation.  Faster downloads.  Restore multiple versions of protected files
  • Administrate your storage pool.  Allocate storage “sub-buckets” for family, friends, and co-workers (pro version only).  Log into the KeepVault portal administrate your storage
  • Small bug fixes and updates

Interested in testing and seeing what the new interface looks like? Then you can download from the following locations:

Windows Home Server 2011, Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, Windows Storage Server

Windows Home Server v1

Windows Desktop

KeepVault 4.0 for WHS2011 Coming Soon

Proxure the company who provide the online backup solution KeepVault have just released some preview screenshots on their blog of KeepVault v4.0 running on SBS Essentials 2011.

Version 4.0 software will be available for WHS2011, SBS Essentials 2011 and also Breckenridge and backups to both a local or network device and simultaneously to secure online storage.

KeepVault 4 Local Backup

Users are able to enable/disable protection of the built-in ‘shares’ and also specify specific folders for protection.  Backups can be encrypted and compressed; encryption always occurs before sending the data over the Internet.

KeepVault 4 Online Backup

The KeepVault Connector functionality will continue to be available for your Mac + PC computers.  This client can automatically and in real-time archive new and changed files in monitored folders to your WHS or SBS both over your local area network and via the Internet (requires you enable remote access), making sure that your files are always backed up.

The KeepVault 4 Connector

Proxure are stating that version 4.0 for WHS2010 (plus the other stated platforms) will be available sometime in mid March.

From the KeepVault Blog.

Add-In: AWIECO DriveInfo 0.5.0 RC

AWIECO DriveInfo is a free add-in for WHS2011 (and SBS 2011 Essential) which gives you a graphical overview of your hard drive usage in the Dashboard.

The AWIECO DriveInfo also picks up all your standard shared folders and user created shares. What’s more, it reveals the usage of the drives as well as folders in a bar chart for every hard disk. Additionally to the shared folders, you have the possibility to see the usage of the backup drive. The total overview of your server storage is presented in a pie chart.

AWIECO DriveInfo 0.5.0 RC

You can grab your copy of this initial public release from here.