Add-In: DA Document Manager 2010 Release 2 v3.1.105

The add-in DA Document Manager 2010 – Windows Home Server Edition has been updated.


Release 2, v3.1.105 includes the following changes (and there are lots):

Enhancement: Added "None" option to the Date Type field in the Search Filter
Enhancement: Added a single item print button to the search results ribbon
Enhancement: Added Check all and Uncheck all to PDF Import Popup
Enhancement: Added History Folder on Server that will now back up any modified files
Enhancement: Added image compression for TWAIN scans
Enhancement: Added printing button to PDF FastView Viewer so that searched items can be printed
Enhancement: Added sticky settings to the server side on the Backup path
Enhancement: Added support for Extended character set for international languages and for the file name
Enhancement: Added support for special foreign language characters like umlauts (alt/älter/am ältesten)
Enhancement: Added the ability to easily re-establish a link to an orphaned file
Enhancement: Application now loads much faster
Enhancement: Archive Recovery now imports categories: tags and notes
Enhancement: Archive Recovery now imports Date; on Document: Processed and Created
Enhancement: Archive Recovery: If the category and sub category do not exist: the application now create them
Enhancement: Auto Fill Form from the Add Doc Workspace now creates the category and sub category if they do not exist
Enhancement: Auto Fill Form from the Search Results now fills in the Date Created on the Form
Enhancement: Auto Fill non-existent subcategory now creates exclusive subcategories
Enhancement: Can now Filter subcategories by category in the Search Filter
Enhancement: Compress Scanned Images – Quality: 10-99 now works with TWAIN
Enhancement: Date Created now displays "N/A" when clicking on Search Results in the Auto Fill Form box
Enhancement: Default Categories have been created for English and German
Enhancement: If you enter a password for a document but do not edit it the password flag is now turned on
Enhancement: Import to Workspace: If the category and sub category do not exist: the application now creates them
Enhancement: Included a Help button for users with issues connecting to WHS
Enhancement: International characters now allowed in file names stored in the vault
Enhancement: More Options: Sound is no longer played when Plays Sound is unchecked
Enhancement: New Dialog: When attempting to attach more than 20 archives to an email – user receives a warning (Microsoft limitation)
Enhancement: New picture DLLs added to the client application
Enhancement: Now shows Password Dialog before editing a password protected document in the Search Results panel
Enhancement: Made client add-in path configurable (for detecting the server) – default to English path if language path is not found
Enhancement: Scanner Option button in the Ribbon are now sticky
Enhancement: Sort By Drop Down is now sticky
Enhancement: Search Results: Added new option to replace a PDF contents with current drag and drop PDF
Enhancement: Search Results: Can now search for text within PDF
Enhancement: The application now makes backup copies before modifying any document; split, rotate, form edits, insert, append
Enhancement: The Date Scanned/ Created are now flagged on the date
Enhancement: The default Category and Subcategory lists can now be translated into German or from German back to English
Enhancement: The password dialog now includes the file location and file name when requesting the user enter a password
Enhancement: Unassigned Categories now show up on the Server Add-in
Enhancement: Users are now allowed to use "&" in the title: keywords and description
Enhancement: Users can now remove a password – if the user protected or knows the password
Enhancement: When a file is not found, the user is now prompted to associate that file with an existing file in the vault
Enhancement: Xref type PDFs now preview in DA FastView (Updated viewer plug-in)
Fix: A category may not be deleted if exclusive subcategories exists
Fix: Activating Back Up NOW button: no longer requires tab thru all fields if they are already filled out
Fix: Adding or Deleting a Subcategory refreshes on Search without selecting a Category
Fix: After a Save and Clear: Clear Form and New now clear the Category
Fix: After an Archive Recovery all New Categories now automatically refresh
Fix: An exclusive subcategory can no longer be assigned to another category – this would cause an orphan issue
Fix: Archive Recovery no longer fails if the title contains an illegal character
Fix: Archive Recovery no longer locks up after 20 items recovered
Fix: Archive Recovery will now allow an exclusive subcategory to be found when searching
Fix: Auto Fill Form from the Add Doc Workspace: New or Clear Form now clear the category and sub category if they do not exist
Fix: Corrected the total disk space calculation problem on drives greater than 1GB
Fix: Date Created now displays when clicking on Search Results in the Auto Fill Form box
Fix: Deleting the Search item being previewed no longer causes an error
Fix: If the first or only PDF in the Inbox requires a password, the splash screen is automatically closed so that the user may enter the password
Fix: Inbox now remembers Passwords entered between document saves
Fix: Inbox now will show meta tag information even if the file is Password protected
Fix: On occasion some users would receive an error when scanning to workspace: Index was outside the bounds of the array – temp folder changed to reflect a folder accessible by non-administrator accounts
Fix: Password Checkbox will now uncheck when there is no password
Fix: Refresh when Deleting an unused Subcategory now clears that subcategory
Fix: Subcategory: Upon refresh by click Category: A deleted subcategory no longer remains on the list
Fix: The Category "Add" buttons in the form to work on click if there is no text in drop down (Subcat as well)
Fix: The Workspace Form width is no longer inconsistent
Fix: When categories are created by tabbing out of the category fields they are now created if the do not exist
Fix: When clicking Search Reset and the exclusive Subcategory List from the previous Category no longer displays
Fix: When creating a Shared subcategory – they no longer always save as exclusive subcategories
Fix: When deleting a search results item being previewed using "X" no longer produces the file does not exist error
Fix: When dragging a file with a password into the Inbox, if we do not enter the password at that time, show the lock icon
Fix: When removing a password the "!" icon is refreshed and the Lock icon no longer displays in the Search Results
Fix: When renaming a Category the Search Field now refreshes
Fix: When using Archive Recovery with a password protected file, the user is now prompted for the password

More information on DA Document Manager 2010 – Windows Home Server Edition are available from here.

Add-In: My Movies for Windows Home Server 1.61 (Pre Release 1)

A pre release version of the add-in My Movies for Windows Home Server is available for download.

My Movies for Windows Home Server Logo

Version 1.61 (Pre Release 1) includes the following change:

  • Update to Dune index to become auto-updating

NOTE: Before installing a pre release version, you must make a backup of your database using the settings are in your WHS console. There are no guarantee that a pre release version functions as expected, and it should therefore only be used for evaluation purposes. The database backup ensures that you can revert back to the latest stable version.

This pre release version can be used with My Movies 3.18 Pre Release 1 clients.

You can download this version from here.

Volunteers Required for MSWHS

Do you know your way around the style sheet language CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) or the server-side scripting language PHP or perhaps you are a HTML guru or know your way around WordPress the open source blog publishing application/CMS or even know how to use the database management system MySQL then we want to hear from you.

WordPress Help

We have lots of new features planned for and would like some volunteers to help us take this site to the next level.

From color scheming to database searching with lots of interesting stuff in between. So if you know any, some or all (wow!) of these technologies please leave a comment below and we will be in contact.

  • CSS
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • WordPress
  • MySQL

Add-In: AutoExit 2009 UR-1 for Windows Home Server

AutoExit 2009 UR-1 for Windows Home Server is now available.

AutoExit 2009 UR-1

AutoExit can be used to shut down or reboot machines in your home network from within the WHS console. Wake On Lan is also supported, enabling you to easily boot up machines remotely.
You can put the machine into hibernation, sleep, log off the user or lock the machine.

New features in AutoExit 2009/UR-1 for Windows Home Server:

  • Multilingual UI (supports German, French, Japanese, Spanish).
  • Commandline tool included to shut down/reboot/… machines via AutoExit.
  • Setup has been made smaller and packaged as a zip file instead of 1 installer.
  • Wake On Lan all clients.
  • Send a message to all connected clients.
  • Warn users when the server is going down.
  • Support for Windows 7.
  • Possibility to the Wake On Lan port to send to.
  • Possibility to enable easy logging on the client side.
  • Mac-address of the server is retrieved when opening the diagnostic dialog and the Mac field being empty.
  • When downloading an update, it is automatically saved to the ‘Server\Software’ or ‘Server\Logiciel’ folder, if none of these exist the browse directory dialog is shown.
  • Fix: On some machines the actions did not work and an error 998 was displayed, this has been fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed issue that settings in Vista/Windows 7 weren’t read correctly and made the AutoWOL Server function not work.
  • Fix: Now when a client comes out of sleep, a WOL packet is sent to the server if enabled.
  • Fix: Small improvement to the update dialog to show the product name.
  • Fix: When using hibernate/sleep, the machine sometimes couldn’t be enabled again.
  • Fix: Detects if Remote Desktop is enabled on a Home Edition.

You can download AutoExit 2009 UR-1 for Windows home Server directly from here. (zip file)

The Path not found issue in CloudBerry Backup

Version 1.7 of CloudBerry Backup runs the backup process using the service regardless whether you start it interactively using the console or by schedule. This was done to offer consistent results in manual and scheduled backup. This is important because when you run the backup manually you run it under your own user account. On the hand when you run the backup by schedule you might run it under another user account with another set of access rights. As a result certain files and folders (or even network shares) might not be accessible to you.

By default the service account is local system. It doesn’t have access to network shares and causes the Path not found issue.

There are 2 ways to update the service account when using CloudBerry Backup for Windows Home Server:

1) From the welcome page (which is visible when the home server console has started or if you click the Backup wizard [Restore wizard] and press Cancel), right click on clock image, a popup menu will appear where you can change the service account.


2) Go through edit backup plan wizard to page Schedule. a note will be displayed to "set administrator account for CloudBerry Backup Service."


Unfortunately after upgrading the WHS add-in to the latest version it reverts back the service account to local system and you have to manually change it again. An upgrade is expected shortly. 

More details on CloudBerry Backup for WHS are available from here.

Does Demigrator.exe Interrupt your Media Streaming

When streaming high definition (HD) content between his Windows Home Server and Media Center Mike from PricklyTech writes that the streams are regularly interrupted by Demigrator.exe on WHS.


Mike attempted to fix the problem by installing the tool ThreadMaster on Home Server and details how he set it up and configured it to work with his WHS.

I attempted to fix this last night by installing ThreadMaster on WHS and saw some improvements. In about an hour and a half I only noticed two interruptions to a HD steam with ThreadMaster running on WHS – and only one of those interruptions was bad. Previously I might get 3 or 4 interruptions per hour.

You can read Mike’s post here.

Install a New Hard Drive on WHS

Website "Home System Integration" have a tutorial on how to install a new hard drive into Windows Home Server v1 by using the Disk Management console before adding the drive to the Home Server Storage Pool.

Computer Managtement Format Partition

Its a great tutorial with plenty of pics (we like pics) for those of us who have never done it before or at least haven’t done it for quite a while.

WHS Console Non Storage Hard Drive

You can read it here.

Reunite a Rebuilt Connected PC with its Former Backups

Reuniting a Rebuilt Connected PC with its Former Backups

If you are rebuilding a connected computer because of a hard drive failure or for an OS upgrade for example, you may notice that that computer is listed as a new PC in the WHS Console even though you used the same name.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make your newly rebuilt computer be associated with the backups of the same system you had before. Well now you can thanks to We Got Served, where they explain how to reunite your rebuilt PC with its former backups on Windows Home Server, with a bit of registry hacking, which you can read all about here.

Five Reasons to Try Windows Home Sever Vail

Have you tried WHS Vail yet?

Vail Dashboard from PC Authority Australia

If not, then you might want to read PC Authority Australia’s 5 reasons why we should be trying the new Windows Home Server version, which you can find here.

The HP ProLiant MicroServer Inside Out

HP ProLiant MicroServer Front

The new ProLiant MicroServer from HP gets a review courtesy of the Tenniswood Blog.

HP ProLiant MicroServer Inside

The new server which would make an ideal home for Windows Home Server Vail is given a quick once over with specification details and lots of pics thrown in for good measure.

Check it out here.