Ubuntu on the HP MediaSmart

Ubuntu Logo

Norwegian Dag Olav decided he wanted to try Linux on his HP MediaSmart EX490 and did so by installing the distro Ubuntu onto it.

You can follow Dag’s adventures here.

Remotely Terminate your Remote Desktop Connection

One of our most read posts here at MSWHS is one which was written back in June of 2007 entitled, “ERROR The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”.

When a user establishes a Remote Desktop connection to the WHS this connection will remain active until the user selects “Log Off” from the Start Menu. If a user simply closes the remote desktop window when they’re finished, that username will still remain logged on.

The software running on the WHS to facilitate the Remote Desktop connection will only allow for up to two simultaneous sessions. Active and disconnected sessions are calculated in this connection limit as is the Administrator account also. The console session, however, does not count against the connection limit.

If a third attempt is made to login to the server, the dreaded “The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections” error will be shown to the user, and they will be unable to complete the login process. You can’t even connect to disconnect the old sessions BUT there is a way around this..

Actually as the rest of the tutorial and comments on this post explain, there’s more than one way to sort this problem out and website InfooMatic detail 3 methods which may be worth a try, which you can read here.

Add-In: My Movies for Windows Home Sever

My Movies for Windows Home Server has had an update.

My Movies for WHS Monitor

The add-in provides a set of features around movies and music, making it the perfect solution for adding, identifying and maintaining movie and music data on your Windows Home Server, allowing you to serve your media to different Media Center solutions or music playback devices.

Version 1.60 ( includes the following changes:

Added: GD3 is now included for meta-data lookups of CD’s.
Added: Support for Nimbie NB11 DVD/Blu-ray media center copying.
Added: Event Handler functionality
Added: Mede8er meta-data storage.
Update: Dune interface improved.
Update: TViX interface improved.
Change: MetaData files moved to user customization
Fix: AnyDVD is now set to be silent to prevent popups during disc identification.

More details are available from here.

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 107


Views and news on the weeks Home Server happenings are available in this weeks edition of "The Home Server Show" podcast.

Episode 107 can be found here for your listening pleasure.

Add-In: AutoExit 2010 for Windows Home Server Vail Beta-1

The add-in AutoExit is now available for Windows Home Server Vail.

AutoExit for Windows Home Server Vail

Having 99% the same functionality as AutoExit 2009 for Windows Home Server (v1), AutoExit 2010 for Windows Home Server Vail looks very different to match Vail’s new look and feel. This being the first Beta-1 release there may be some issues including that the Wake On Lan feature is broken, but if you do not mind beta code then you can find all the details from here.

Add-In: DA Document Manager Windows Home Server Edition 3.1.105

DA Document Manager 2010

"DA Document Manager Windows Home Server Edition" from Digital Archound has had an update to version 3.1.105. Here is their press release:

OVIEDO, Florida – September 28, 2010 – Group Seven Technology today announced its update release 3.1.105 of DA Document Manager™ 2010 – Windows Home Server Edition is now available.  Existing customers will receive download instructions in our special update eNewsletter.

This update incorporates new customer requests and some minor fixes.  This update continues in the tradition to provide our customers with the most relevant enhancements while continuing to foster the best tool for the general public’s new embrace of “going paperless” and a “green lifestyle”.  We continue to listen in detail to our customer base to add the most requested features to our products.

Some of the new features include:

  • Added support that automatically creates backups of modified files and stores them in a new History Folder on the Server
  • Added support for new documents to be combined with stored documents.  New documents can be pre-pended, appended or can replace an existing document by simply using drag-and-drop from the workspace inbox.
  • Added support for searching for text within a PDF
  • Users can now remove a password from a password protected document (if the password is known)
  • Added support for special foreign language characters like umlauts (alt/älter/am ältesten)
  • Added German language support
  • Added ability to translate default Category and Subcategory lists between German and English
  • Added a number of Auto Fill Form enhancements
  • The Scanner Option button in the ribbon toolbar now remembers the selection after restart
  • Added print button on the ribbon toolbar for printing search results
  • The client PC application now loads much faster

Originally developed in 2004 for private corporations, Digital ArcHound™ Document Manager redesigned for Windows Home Server users since 2007. The new release takes on the new name DA Document Manager as it embraces the latest ribbon technology. Ribbon technology has been made popular by Microsoft Office 2007/2010 including streamlined features with quicker response time and a whole new level of intuitiveness.

“We didn’t want to provide users with just another way to archive documents similar to all of those currently available; we wanted to create a new and relevant process solely with the end-user in mind.” – Glenn Hansen, Group Seven Technology.

DA Document Manager provides businesses and individuals both with a well thought out and versatile document archiving software application that makes a nice compliment to DA Document Manager Internal Viewer, Adobe’s FREE Acrobat Reader or any other PDF viewer setup for the Internet Explorer Browser.

Founded in 1998, Group Seven Technology has pioneered a number of the software innovations, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

Digital ArcHound is a trademark of Group Seven Technology, Inc. in the United States of America and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

You can download this latest version in either English, French or German from here.

Apple Release iTunes 10.0.1 To Fix Windows Home Server Issues

Andrew Edney over at usingwindowshomeserver.com has just posted about the Apple iTunes 10.1 fix which will fix bugs that Windows Home Server users have been stuck with since iTunes 10 was released around a month ago.


Streaming issues and generally not working correctly with WHS, are just some of the problems users have had to endure while apple have taken an inordinate amount of time to fix.

Check it out here.

Written by
Matthew Glover

Create a Windows Home Server Vail boot disk on a USB drive

This is a great article showing you how to turn a USB pen drive into a bootable Windows Home Server Vail install disk. Basically it takes the Windows Home Server files and puts them on to a USB thumb drive and makes it bootable, instantly allowing you to boot from the thumb drive and install Windows Home Server Vail without the use of a CD/DVD Drive.


You can also do this for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008 by following the same instructions but obviously putting the relevant disk in.

Check it out here.

Written by
Matthew Glover

AMD’s answer to the Intel Atom

Servethehome.com have got a great review about AMD’s new Athlon ll X2 260 Regor. This is where AMD can finally try and make some ground into the Windows Home Server market, this is the chip that will focus on low power and low cost.


Check it out here.

Written by
Matthew Glover

Buy the Right Windows Home Server

Gilberto J Perera over at gilsmethod.com has a brilliant post on purchasing the right Windows Home Server for you. He goes through all the essentials such as storage, RAM and processor. He then goes on to look at the offerings from the big OEM suppliers such as Acer and HP.


Check it out here.

Written by
Matthew Glover