Add-In Reporter

Add-In Reporter is a piece of software which will help create a centralized Windows Home Server Add-In Repository with the newest update information directly from add-in developers – An AppStore for Windows Home Server Users.

Add-In Reporter

If you are an add-in developer you can use this tool to automatically send your MSI / Add-In information to a  free web service. Your data will be combined with a description and user ratings and then compiled into a XML file. This XML file will be used by a new Windows Home Server Add-In which will be released soon and offer to AppStore like option for Windows Home Server users.

More news is available from here.

Add In: KeepVault for Windows Home Server 3.20

KeepVault for Windows Home Server has been updated to version 3.20 which now makes it twice as fast as Mozy and Carbonite.

KeepVault Backup:

  • Improved upload speed (2x faster than Mozy and Carbonite)
  • Protect multiple WHS PC’s to a single online storage account
  • Support for PC’s behind proxy servers
  • Added new KeepVault “Pro & Business” version

KeepVault Backup for “Pro & Business”:

  • Improved upload speed (KeepVault Pro is 2x faster than KeepVault home)
  • Support for Windows Server 2003/2008
  • Local protection to any UNC device
  • Administrative lock
  • Selective restore from any PC backup to any PC
  • Restore files directly from a web browser to any device


  • Various optimizations and code enhancements

KeepVault Connector:

  • Fixed potential high CPU usage when syncing large files sets
  • Improved connectivity

More details are available from both here and here.

KeepVault Business Account for Home Server Users

Online backup provider KeepVault now offer a “Pro & Business” account as well as their “KeepVault” personal account.

Where KeepVault offers a typical upload rate of 1900kbps KeepVault Pro & Business offers 5250kpbs, over double which is worth considering if it was not for the price.

  Personal Pro & Business
40GB $48 $163
100GB $99 $394
200GB $188 $745

I don’t mind spending $188 for backing up my Windows Home Server data but $745 is way to much, but NOT for a business and the “Pro & Business” account works out cheaper than MozyPro too.

Other advantages of KeepVault Pro & Business over KeepVault is it it also supports Server 03/08, UNC Paths, 256bit encryption and provides web access, cross device access/restore and sys event error Notification.

More details on KeepVault’s Pro & Business is available from here.

Diskeeper 2010 Home Server Edition Review

This new edition from Diskeeper looks pretty good, I have to be honest I have never been a big fan of Diskeeper, I have always felt O&O Defrag has always had something more to offer.

The initial install is very standard apart from the fact you have to install the initial software from the WHS console and then do a second install for the WHS console integration. In previous editions this has been done through the use of Remote Desktop Connection, where you had to install the program direct to the server and then install the WHS console addin. So I have to say this new way of installing is a welcome addition for many, which should make this program more easy to use.


There is an install guide here.

Once the program was installed, my initial impression was this looks very cramped. I can’t help thinking that Diskeeper have taken their normal desktop program and just blatantly forgot that the WHS console is a lot smaller and cannot be maximised, essentially shoe horning the program onto WHS.


From the initial Diskeeper screen there are many summary section to which you can either scroll down to or use the Goto drop down box at the top of the summary section, to be fair to diskeeper although the initial screen is not much to look at it does have all the relevant information you are looking for just at a glance.

There isn’t really any setting up you have to do for this software, it just gets on with the job at hand, automatically defragging each drive as the server is idle and for this reason it gets a big thumbs up from me. This gives the average user who doesn’t want to have to configure software after install, the ability to once the software is installed, you can just walk away.

By default automatic defragmentation is set for all the time, this for me was something I wanted to change and to do this you can just right click on any drive and select “automatic defragmentation… “ now you can either configure the one drive or all drives at once, I always want my drive the be defragged during the night but others may want during the day while they are at work. The good thing is that you can configure on a day to day basis.

InteliWrite pre-empts fragmentation and deals with it there then, an excellent feature that is going to keep performance at a maximum at all times and as always prevention is better than the cure.

If you go in to the configuration settings there are many things that can be changed, such as file exclusions, event logging, power management, volume shadow copy settings, proxy settings and new volume protection.


You really do get a lot for your money with this edition and I should think so when the software weighs in at $59.95. Now this for me has always been my gripe with defragmentation software, the price of it is always more than it should be, after all this isn’t software that will give you hours of entertainment or pleasure, it basically sits there, doing what looks like nothing.

I will have to report back later on the exact performance, but on first looks it is doing exactly what it says on the tin.

Overall an easy to install piece of software which is easy to configure, but the price for me is what lets it down, and maybe will put off some or even many off buying.

Matthew Glover

CloudBerry Backup for WHS Mini Review

Small Business Specialist Pete Cullen has a mini review of the CloudBerry Backup for Windows Home Server add-in.

My personal favourite feature of the product is that it allows your to select and backup files on network drives, not just locally on the WHS itself.  This is a small limitation of Carbonite, which can only backup files that are stored on your local hard disk.

You can read it here.

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 65


Episode 65 of the Home Server Show podcast is out with the latest news and views. This weeks guest speaker is Timothy Daleo from on his Tech Tips on a Tuesday Morning and on a Friday Night series.

Catch it here.

Power Pack 3 Availability

Its nearly hear. Microsoft has officially announced that next Tuesday on the 24th of November Power Pack 3 will be available via Windows Update.

The release will be available in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish and users must have Windows Home Server with Power Pack 2 already installed on their home server to receive the update.

Power Pack 3 (PP3) improves the Windows Home Server experience with both Windows 7 and Windows Media Center by providing backup and restore of computers running Windows 7, Windows 7 Libraries integration, enhancements for Windows Media Center, and better support for netbook computers.

If you missed our previous post on what’s new in PP3, here’s a refresh for you:

  • Windows 7 Libraries integration
    When you install the Windows Home Server Connector and log on a computer running Windows 7, you can access the Windows Home Server shared folders from the Windows 7 libraries.
  • Windows 7 Action Center backup warning suppression
    After you install the Windows Home Server Connector to enable the home server backup for your computer running Windows 7, you can suppress the Action Center warning reminding you that Windows Backup has not been set up.
  • Windows 7 power settings
    You can configure your computer running Windows 7 to wake up at a scheduled backup time and then go back to sleep after the backup finishes.
  • Console support for Windows 7
    Windows 7 is properly displayed as the operating system shown in the Computers & Backup tab.
  • Windows Search
    Windows Search 4 is included to improve query search times, indexing times, and reliability. Extended Remote Discovery increases the efficiency of searching across all your libraries running Windows Search 4.  Files encrypted with EFS are now supported.
  • TV archive
    Windows Home Server can automatically archive recorded TV by moving your recordings from a Windows Media Center computer to your home server in the format of your choice.  This enables playback in the correct format for your home computers and/or portable devices.
  • Console view
    You can view information about your home server’s storage space, hard drives, backup status, and more from Windows Media Center.

Can’t wait till Tuesday, can you?

Diskeeper 2010 HomeServer

The defragmenter for our Home Servers has been updated.


Diskeeper 2010 HomeServer edition has been updated to include IntelliWrite which prevents the majority of fragmentation before it even happens and for any fragmentation that does occur, Diskeeper 2010 utilizes a powerful defragmentation engine to rapidly handle any remaining fragmentation with zero impact on system resources.

Diskeeper 2010 dramatically improves system performance from faster file reads and writes. By curtailing the excessive I/Os associated with fragmentation, wear and tear on the drive is greatly reduced, resulting in extended hardware life. Behind the scenes, free space is consolidated, further reducing the chances of future fragmentation, and the location of the most commonly used files is optimized for faster access. All of this occurs with zero impact on system resources.

Other features include:

  • NEW! IntelliWrite fragmentation prevention technology
  • Terabyte Volume Engine (TVE)
  • Breakthrough Technology! InvisiTasking
  • Real-time defragmentation
  • Uncompromising file and free space defragmentation
  • "Defragmentation Intelligence" enhancements
  • Automatic online directory consolidation
  • Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Compatibility mode
  • Boot-Time Mode
  • Home Network support

Diskeeper 2010 HomeServer is available for $59.95 whilst owners of Diskeeper 2009 HomeServer  can upgrade for $35.97 saving $23.98.

More info plus a 30 day trial download is available from here.

Win Home Servers with Japanese Poem Oh Wise One

Intel and Windows Home Server have teamed up to give you the chance to win Home Server’s, Microsoft Zune HD 16 GB digital audio players and 1 TB Western Digital Caviar Green Hard Drives.

To win you need to say how a home server would bring peace of mind to YOUR life, or why you really want one, but as a haiku.

What’s a haiku, I hear you cry?

A haiku is a three line, one stanza, traditional Japanese poem lacking rhyme and metaphor; the first line must have 5 syllables, the second line 7, and the third line 5.

So, what you waiting for, head over to Win a Home for a chance of winning some booty.

Exclusive: ASUS Home Server – The TS Mini

Asus TS Mini Top 

Asus have just announced the TS Mini, a Home Server which is powered by the Intel Atom N280 (1.66GHz) processor and features 2GB DDR2 memory, Gigabit Ethernet, storage space for 2 internal SATA hard drives, with 6 USB ports and 2 eSATA ports for future expansion.

  Asus TS Mini

Remarkably the Asus TS Mini consumes only 24.5W when idle and just 27.9W during normal use, an area which is defiantly awesome.

Asus TS Mini Back 

Added on top of the Windows Home Server software, Asus have added their own pieces of software:

WebStorage Service
The Asus TS Mini also offers users a year of free 500GB Web storage space allowing you to boost your storage or synchronize backups online for improved data security. Additionally, you can save large peer-to-peer files on the Web, and share data with user accounts worldwide.

Media Streaming
The TS mini makes it easy for you to stream photos, music, video and other digital content to various devices including TVs, computers, Media PCs, and gaming consoles—for all-around content access as well as allowing you to stream music and multimedia content through the online connection.

Xtor Manager
With the ASUS Xtor Manager, you can directly backup, synchronize and manage your files and folders between external USB and eSATA storage devices and TS mini.

ASWM Management
ASWM, real-time system health monitoring tool, helps users to monitor online and system status of TS mini, including fans, temperature, disks, drives, network, memory and CPU. Once errors occur, the system will instantly send error report to pre-configured email.

The ASUS TS mini is available for pre-order in the US in 500G and 2TB models at $349 and $529, respectively from both Amazon (1) (2) and Newegg (1) (2).

More details are available from here.