Business Opportunities with WHS Web Seminar

Microsoft’s Partner Program have a free 1 hour web seminar on business opportunities with Windows Home Server.

The live event has been updated with Power Pack 2 content will be presented by Small Business Server MVP Kevin Royalty and WHS MVP Grey Lancaster. Fellow WHS MVPs will also be on hand to answer any questions

The event will take place on June 05 at 09.00 Pacific (17:00 GMT), so make sure you register, which can be done here.

FreeNAS vs WHS – The Fight Continues

Brent Scoggins has been in contact to inform us that he has published part 2 of his FreeNAS vs Windows Home Server article which takes a look at both products from a usability and installation viewpoint.

…Windows Home Server just gets everything right and with my MSDN subscription the price becomes a non-issue. The biggest plus for WHS is the drive pool and how it is managed…

You can read it here.

KeepVault for WHS – Win 100GB Account

For those of you keeping up with our KeepVault for Windows Home Server giveaway, today we have a 100GB account up for grabs to one lucky person. And since its a biggie we are keeping the competition open until tomorrow (30th May).

KeepVault for WHS provides provides an online backup solution for our Home Servers.

Current statistics show that one in every ten hard drives fail each year. The cost of recovering a failed hard drive can exceed $7,500, and success is never guaranteed.

To help safeguard us from all eventualities, the new version 3.0 provides the following features:

  • Backup to local drive for an extra layer of protection
  • Status via SMS, Email, Twitter
  • Faster File Uploads (up to 30% faster than version 2)
  • Schedulable backups for any time of the day
  • Maximum file size 20GB
  • Real Time File Monitoring
  • Compression for faster uploads
  • Bandwidth limiter
  • 128-bit encryption for your protection
  • Backup any file, not just shares
  • Manage online backups
  • Single-file restore
  • All-file restore
  • Real time status indicators
  • Local Event log for easy software diagnosis
  • Free Support

So to get your hands on this 100GB account we just want you to tell us approximately how many (average) mp3 songs could you fit into a 100GB account. Leave your answers in a comment below before 23:59 GMT (15:59 Pacific Time) tomorrow, Saturday 30 May 2009 – All winners will be announced and notified on Sunday 31st May 2009.

NOTE: WE have determined the approx. number of mp3 songs which could fit into 100GB and the nearest answer will win the prize.

Amazon S3 and Apple Time Machine Available for EX47x Owners

As was previously announced, owners of both the EX470 and 475 MediaSmart Servers from HP can now download the Amazon S3 add-in and the Apple Time Machine application for their Home Servers.

EX47x S3 and Mac Applications

The online backup application allows you to designate specific shared folders on your Server for secure upload to the Amazon S3 service, and doing so provides an additional layer of data protection for your most important photos, documents and other files.

In addition, customers in mixed PC/Mac households can download an application allowing their EX470/475 MediaSmart Servers to backup their Macs running Time Machine.

Great news – So how do you get it?

The most reliable way to get one or both of these updates for EX470/475 owners is as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. On the home page go to the bottom right hand corner where it says "Software & Driver Downloads" and click the link
  3. In the text box enter in either EX470 or EX475 and then press the "Enter" key on the keyboard
  4. Choose “Server 2003” to locate both packages -customers have the option to download one or both applications
  5. Installation instructions are available for both applications by clicking the “view directions” link

NOTE: Both of these applications are already included on the current generation MediaSmart Server products (LX195, EX485, EX487) and do not need to be downloaded.

Win KeepVault for WHS – Day 4

God forbid this ever happens:

You return home from a revitalizing vacation to find your once pristine home not sparkling in the sunshine’s rays due to the white emulsion on the exterior walls but instead as you approach in your 4 by 4 you see instead the once large windows broken and the white walls now black instead and the air smells of burnt barbecues. It’s then it dawns on you that there has been a fire and as your car finally comes to rest outside the drive. The house is totally burned and home is no longer home.

In this scenario it doesn’t matter how good Windows Home Server is, even with data redundancy switched on as the Home Server machine is a blackened shell and your data gone, for good!

Or is it?

One way to protect yourself against a scenario like this is to also back up WHS to the cloud, so a copy of your data is somewhere else in case a situation strikes due to fire, flood or any other trauma.

And that’s where KeepVault for Windows Home Server comes in protecting your photos and music amongst your collection of data, and whatever else you store on your Home Server.

Burnt Out House

Welcome to day 4 of our mega KeepVault for Windows Home Server giveaway and today and to have a chance of winning today’s 40GB  account just leave a comment to this post before midnight tonight (GMT)* explaining a scenario where KeepVault would save the day. Hopefully your story telling is better than mine above.

*Today’s entry must be in before 23:59 GMT (15:59 Pacific Time) today, 28 May 2009 – All winners will be announced and notified on Sunday 31st May 2009.

Add-In: Recorded TV Manager 3.7.6

The Recorded TV Manager Add-in for Windows Home Server has been updated to build 3.7.6 and includes the following:

  • WTV File Support for Windows 7 and Vista Media Center with TV Pack.
  • Improved Console error handling – Certain unhandled exceptions in Version 3.4.3 could crash the Home Server Console.  These conditions have now been corrected.  You may, however, still receive an occasional error message in a Message Box which identifies the error condition which was handled, most likely a file access problem.
  • Improved stability in the AutoCopy Service – Certain conditions in the Version 3.4.3 AutoCopy service could cause the service to stop unexpectedly, which necessitated the AutoCopy Restart Service to compensate and start the service back up.  These issues have been removed and the Restart Service is no longer necessary.
  • Improved Installer – Fixes the uninstall issue and a few other small Installer issues.

Recorded TV Manager 3.7.6

This is a FREE update for registered users of Recorded TV Manager Add-in for Windows Home Server.  To obtain a download link for Build 3.7.6, send email to and be sure to include the Name and email address under which you purchased the software, and the PayPal transaction code if you have it.

Important: If you update to Build 3.7.6, you must first uninstall Build 3.4.3.  There is a serious problem with the Build 3.4.3 uninstaller which is discussed here.

More details are in the release notes whilst more information about Recorded TV Manager is available from here.

NetBooks Can See WHS

If you own one of the small 8 to 10 inch netbbooks and install the connector software on it, you properly would notice that the WHS Console drops off the edge of your screen as the console is too big for these small screens –

But not no more, as Microsoft have just released a fix to correct the problem. For those of you with a screen resolution smaller than 1024 x 768, after this update is installed the 1024 x 600 resolution is also supported which is the resolution many netbooks use.

The update will be downloaded automatically via Windows/Microsoft Update to Home Server or you can click Update Now on the Settings tab of the Windows Home Server Console.

More information is available in Knowledge Base: 963032.

Win KeepVault for WHS – Day 3

It’s day 3 of our KeepVault mega giveaway and we have another 40GB account to give away

Proxure, the makers of KeepVault have just released version 3.0 of the online backup solution for our Home Server’s and to help celebrate the release we are giving away a 40GB account every day through to Thursday, whilst Friday and Saturday there will be a chance to win one 100GB account.

To have a chance of winning today’s 40GB account just leave a comment to this post before midnight tonight (GMT)* explaining the main 2 things that you use Windows Home Server for apart from backing up

*Today’s entry must be in before 23:59 GMT (15:59 Pacific Time) today, 27 May 2009.

HP MediaSmart Server LX195 Wins a Recommended Award

Website HotHardware has a review of the HP MediaSmart Server LX195.

The 7 page review looks at the specs, the design and the build quality. The reviewer then takes us through the setup and configuration and tells us about the features of the LX195. As well as this, performance against a number of NAS devices is tested.

HotHardware had this to say:

Of all the consumer-level NAS devices we’ve looked at recently, the LX195 is (so far) the undisputed performance leader. This is in no small part attributable to the device’s Atom processor and 1GB of RAM–essentially, the LX195 is a small, headless PC–it has the same approximate horsepower as a netbook or nettop PC

We also connected the LX195 to a power meter to get a sense of how much power it consumes. When the device is sitting idle, it uses between 27 and 30-watts of power. Even when under load, its power consumption appears to top out at around 30-watts. When in standby mode, the device sips only about 3 to 4 watts of power.

You can read the full review here.

Sync WHS with Live Mesh

The Digital Lifestyle.Com has details of how to add your Windows Home Server shared folders to the syncing software Live Mesh.

This could to useful if your Recorded TV folders are not on the same network as you could then get them synced over the Internet with Windows Home Server.

Live Mesh Recorded TV Folder

Installing Mesh on Windows Home Server is very much like installing on a desktop system but with a couple of extra steps which are explained in this tutorial, which you can read here.