Backup your Website to Windows Home Server

Website LiveSide which is dedicated to all things Windows Live are backing up their website nightly using Jungle Disk which backs up to Amazon S3. Which just goes to prove that Windows Home Server can also be used for backing up your website or blog whichever platform you use.

You can read the full story here.

A Discussion on WHS and Media Center Combined

The Green Button forums (which are dedicated to Windows Media Center) have a discussion on the pros and cons of having Windows Home Server and Media Center combined, which you may find interesting.

As well as leaving your own comments, you can also read what those who are for it and those who against it say here.

Let WHS Help Automate your Home

Website Using Windows Home Server has a review on home automation add-in mControl which can interface with your security system, cameras, thermostats and can even be programmed for voice controls.

mControl Home Automation

Timothy Daleo steps us through the steps necessary of letting WHS help automate your home in the first part of this article, which can be read here.

Add-In: WHS Outlook v2.0 Beta Testers Wanted

The 2nd beta of WHS Outlook v2.0 has been completed and the developer Mike Craven has decided to open up the beta process to the general Windows Home Server public as he needs some new beta testers.

WHS Outlook 2.0 - Open Items

The add-in allows you to install Microsoft Outlook on your home server and then access it via the Windows Home Server Console on up to 10 different client PCs

WHS Outlook 2.0 - Settings

Version 2.0 has lots of new features and enhancements including multiple user access and Web Access to WHS Outlook.

WHS Outlook 2.0 - Remote Desktop Settings 1  WHS Outlook 2.0 - Remote Desktop Settings 2

For more information and to beta test click here.

HP MediaSmart Server LX195 Compared with NAS

“…the LX195 sits in a class by itself when compared with other single-drive diskful and diskless NASes.”

This quote is from a review of the HP MediaSmart Server LX195 on the networking website SmallNetBuilder.

What makes this 4 page review different than some of the others is that as well as comparing this model to the EX series there are also a series of tests to see how the LX195 Intel Atom processor runs Windows Home Server compared with the EX487 and other high-performance single-drive NAS units like the Synology DS109+ and the Buffalo LinkStation XHL.


The review also takes a look inside the unit at the various components and has plenty of performance charts to see how it stakes up with the competition.

You can read the full review here.

WHS at Tech•Ed North America 2009

Microsoft’s Aaron Liao has been pulling in the punters at the Windows Home Server booth at Tech•Ed North America 2009 in Los Angeles.


Aaron’s has been presenting the product over the last 5 days and has had people buy the MediaSmart Server online at Amazon after seeing it demonstrated and presented by himself at Microsoft’s technical education and networking event for the technology professional.

Exif_JPEG_PICTURE                                                Exif_JPEG_PICTURE

The booth which is next to the MSDN and TechNet area has the HP MediaSmart Server EX485 and LX195 on display.

Thanks to Aaron Liao for the pics and Susan Bradley.

How WHS Fits into the Home Video

Microsoft Tech•Ed Online has a 10 minute video looking at how WHS fits into the home.

How WHS Fits into the Home Video

Izak Laubscher and Frikkie Bosch talk about WHS four main pillars:

  • Extending your current Network Infrastructure
  • Growing your Files
  • Backing Up
  • Remote Access

Available for viewing/download from here.

Thanks to Susan Bradley for the details.

Add-In: Download Manager 2.9

The add-in Download Manager has been updated to version 2.9 to correct an issue which was related to Rapidshare.

Download Manager 2.9

The add-in is capable of organizing large amounts of data and can download ULRs. The program can also be configured to download a specified amount of data at a specified time and is also optimized for Rapidshare premium accounts.

Download from here.

Courtesy of the German language Home Server Blog.

WHS Doctor

WHS Doctor is a  utility which gathers and displays selected information about your Windows Home Server. Giving at a glance information on your Network configuration, WHS console log entries and installed WHS add-ins among many other items to help with troubleshooting or support purposes.

WHS Doctor

WHS Doctor is not an add-in put a standalone utility that requires no installation or makes any system changes. Future additions will also have the ability to fix common problems.

More information is available from here.

Thanks to Ron Demedash for the details.

The Complete List to Securing Your WHS & Network

The continuing series of Securing Your WHS & Network is now at part 6 with Network Security Threats.

Home Server Land has also published a list of contents to each post in the series which also includes all the up and coming parts right up to part 17, which means we still have another 11 parts to come. By bookmarking the list future parts can be accessed once and when available.