Samsung EcoGreen F2EG Hard Drives

Samsung has launched the EcoGreen F2EG hard disks which deliver upto a massive 1.5TB of capacity on 3 x 500GB platters.

The blurb states:

“Lower platter count means less power to start the motor, less power to continuously spin the motor and a lighter head-stack which takes less power to seek,” said Andy Higginbotham, director of HDD sales and marketing for the Samsung Semiconductor Storage Division. “With fewer heads and disks, the F2EG hard drive has a lower probability of head-disk failures, enabling customers to build more reliable systems.”

As hard disk capacity increases from an increased number of disks, so does power consumption. However, Samsung’s F2EG drive offers low power consumption by using EcoTriangle™, a low-power, low-heat, low-noise operation technology. With its advanced design and fewer components, the F2EG drive is 40% lower in power consumption in idle mode and 45% lower in reading/writing mode than competitive drives. Samsung’s Eco-Triangle™ technology offers more energy efficient and high performance hard drive options to manufacturers of home media PC, external HDD, set-top box, and personal NAS.

Samsung’s EcoGreen F2EG drive, which is suitable for both external hard disks and desktop PC, comes in a 500GB/1TB/1.5TB capacity, 16MB/32MB buffer memory, and 3.0 gigabytes per second (Gbps) Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) interface. The F2EG hard drive, employing advanced PMR technology, achieves greater aerial density and improves transfer performance as well.

The F2EG family of drives is currently being shipped with the 1.5TB HDD being available for $149.00 MSRP.

A PDF spec sheet is available from here.

Epson SV120h Windows Home Server

Epson Japan has a new Windows Home Server.

The SV120h comes with either a 2GHz Celeron 575 or a 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo P8600 with a 160GB  to 1TB (2x500GB) hard drive.


Powered by the Intel GM45 Express chipset, the SV120h has 1GB of RAM (expandable up to 4GB) and comes with multi DVD.

The entry price of the SV120h will be around 65,000 Yen for the Celeron version (€520).

Information courtesy of Akihabara News.

ICYDock MB674SPF-B SATA Hard Drive Backplane Module

Website PCStats takes a look at the ICYDock MB674SPF-B, which is a serial ATA hard drive backplane module fitting four hard drives into a case with at least three open 5.25" drive bays.

icydock MB674SPFB

The 3 page review can be found here.

Add-In: Grid Junction 1.4 RC

Kentdome Technologies has released a new version of the uninterruptable power supply (UPS) add-in for Windows Home Server. The 1.4 release candidate version of Grid Junction has the following changes:

  • New real-time Hardware Monitor feature
  • New Improve Grid Junction feature
  • USB unplugged GUI refresh fixed
  • Revised update checking workflow and mechanics
  • Potential memory leak in .NET garbage collector fixed
  • Various UPS device support improvement and fixes

More information is available from here.

Windows Software Update Services on WHS

Kevin Royalty has updated his article on how to use Windows Software Update Services (WSUS) on your Windows Home Server.

Having WSUS on your Home Server enables WHS to store the downloaded Windows Updates and have them pushed out from there to your connected PCs, enabling you to preserve your bandwidth and control which updates are installed.

Kevin’s mega post can be found on blog Using Windows Home Server.

Windows Home Server Restore CD 0x0000007B Fix

If you are trying to fix a problem with your PC by using the Windows Home Server Restore CD and receive a BSOD with the STOP code 0x0000007B then there is a fix.

Blog "How Steve Got Burned Today" takes us through the problem, explaining the issue and what to do to resolve the problem, which can be found here.

Using Time Machine with the MediaSmart EX47x

If you would like to know how to use the Mac Time Machine with the EX470 and EX475 MediaSmart Servers  from HP then has a 3 page post on how to accomplish it.

From enabling Time Machine for backup to the SMB Shares to relocating your backup to the MediaSmart Server this guide has all the details.

You can read it here.

Microsofts CEO Loves Windows Home Server

Over the last few days iv been at a summit in Seattle for Microsofts Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) as well as being on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond where iv been hanging out with the Windows Home Server Team and my fellow WHS MVPs (Nice to see you guys!).

The good news is that the next two versions of Windows Home Server are going to make those who only use another brands of NAS green with envy.

Unfortunately due to non disclosure agreements (NDA) I cant let you know just yet what is coming up but it wont be long until i can spill the beans to you.

But what i can share is that on the last day of the summit during a Keynote speech by Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, Donavon West of Home Server Hacks planted a WHS sticker on Steve’s forehead before Steve decided to stick it on his arm instead.

Steve Balmer

Well done Donavon, nice to have Windows Home Server publicized within Microsoft and to fellow MVP’s from various categories in the audience.

06-03-2009 03-57-22

Many thanks to Susan Bradley for the links to the pics.

Adding a Hard Drive to WHS

Blog has a guide on something some of us Home Server users may take for granted – How to add a hard drive.

The writer, Tim Daleo tells us his experience with a screwdriver a SATA cable and plenty of patience.

You can read Tim’s experiences here.

Windows Home Server for the Small Business


The FrugalTech Show is a videocast dedicated in helping small business grow and save money with technology, who have a 7 minute video which takes a look at Windows Home Server for the small business.

You can view it here.