HP Talks MediaSmart Server on TV

Blog Home Server Hacks has details that HPs Marketing Manager Allen Buckner appeared on a local TV station chatting about the HP MediaSmart Server.

Allen Buckner on Local TV

Windows Home Server Development Blog

Fellow Windows Home Server MVP, Sam Wood has started a Windows Home Server development blog for all you would be developers. So if you have an idea for an add-in, now is the time to get some learning under your belt.

Thanks to We Got Served for the details.

Choosing a Server for your Home Network

Writer Alan Stevens has a write up on Choosing a home network server, which takes a look at various solutions including Windows Server 2003 R2, Small Business Server, Linux solutions as well as Windows Home Server. Alan also looks at the best ways to find the best home server hardware and looks at alternatives for sharing files such as the Buffalo Link Station Pro and Netgear’s Readynas Duo.

You can read the article here.

The Home Server Show #23

The Home Server Show Podcast

whoops! whilst we have been away (we are back now), The Home Server Show #23 is up with the latest news and a wrap up from PDC2008. You can listen/download the show from here.

Windows Home Server Desktop Mod

Stacked in the Cupboard

Now that’s what I call a DIY build!

IT Consultant Sytone wanted to fit his Windows Home Server case in the cupboard but it wouldn’t fit, so the answer was to fit it in the cupboard without the case. It’s amazing what bits of plastic, ducktape and a Stanley knife enable you to do.

The full article is here.

Product ID Keys for Windows Home Server not Working in MS Partner Action Pack

Small Business Server specialist Susan Bradley brought to my attention an issue with the Product ID keys for Windows Home Server which were supplied in the October Microsoft Action Pack, a pack of software designed for Microsoft Partners.

The post on the Microsoft SMB Community Blog states that you can receive an updated PID to use straight away by contacting your country’s Regional Service Center directly. The post also goes on to state that the January Action Pack will include the updated PID cards ready for use.

Windows Home Server with 27 Hard Drives

The Windows Home Server Team Blog has some great data available from the Customer Experience Improvement program for Windows Home Server. 

36% of users have 2 hard drives in their Windows Home Server followed by 29% who have 4 or more, these were followed by 20% who have 3 drives and finally 15% with only the 1 hard drive.

What was even more interesting was that loads of people had more than 10 hard drives attached whilst 1 un-named individual had 27! (where does he house them)

The largest amount of available disk space that the Windows Home Server team have seen, so far was 22.06 terabytes or 22,589.44 gigabytes. With the largest amount of used disk space they had seen was 19.32 terabytes or 19,783.68 gigabytes. We are talking nearly 20 thousand gigabytes – Wow, it makes my 2x 1TB drives look minuscule.

More facts and figures are here.

Windows Home Server for $99.99


Since the price reduction to the Windows Home Server software was announced the other day, it is good to see the reduction filtering down to the consumer outlets.

newegg logo

In the US newegg now has it available for $99.99 including free shipping, which is a $50-$60 saving on what some other suppliers are charging. Whilst in the UK company’s like Eurowide PC and ginger6 have it on sale for £72.46, a lot cheaper than the original price of £110.

Once existing stock has been sold I am sure it wont be long until the new pricing discount filters down to the remaining re-sellers.

Windows Home Server Team Talk Live Mesh

Microsoft’s enthusiast video technology site has a video cast with the Windows Home server team.

10 Live Mesh

Mark Pendergrast, Brendan Grant and Doug Berrett talk about their PDC sessions and how Live Mesh is being integrated with Windows Home Server including a prototype demo of WebGuide running as a Silverlight application from the Live Mesh desktop.

Watch it here.

Information courtesy of We Got Served.

Add-In: My Movies 1.0

A new version of My Movies for Windows Home Server has been released.

My Movies Audio Discs

Version 1.0 functions as a My Movies server for the My Movies clients, or it can function as a data provider for Media Center’s DVD library, Media Portal, OML and Niveus Movie Library. It contains a fully automated disc copier for DVD, HD DVD and Blu-ray titles, as well as a disc copier for audio discs, that allows automated ripping of CD’s to MP3, WMA, WMA Lossless or WAV.

Thanks to TheDigitalLifestyle.com for the information.

My Movies Video Discs

The download is available as well as installation/upgrade instructions.