Updating the eSATA Driver on the MediaSmart Server

eSATA Drive Update

Website Home Server Hacks has a great tutorial for HP MediaSmart Server owners. If you are using an external eSATA drive then you would be using the eSATA connector on the rear of the MediaSmart and by following the guide will enable you to update the Marvel 6121 driver.

All the details are here.

WHS Coming to MSDN


A member of the Windows Home Server Team have stated that Windows Home Server is coming to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).

We reported back in January that WHS would unfortunately not be available from MSDN, but it looks like discussions between the the Product Group and the subscription acquisition teams finally worked out as Windows Home Server will be available to subscribers in the very near future.

This was mentioned in the Q&A at both sessions on WHS which were recently held at PDC2008 in Los Angeles, CA.

MSDN Subscriptions is designed for developers to have access to downloads and licensees to nearly all Microsoft software. The MSDN end-user license agreement prohibits use of the software in a business production environment although the software itself functions exactly like the full product.

WHS is Sysadmin Made Easy

Tech site HardwareZone.com has a 7 page guide on Windows Home Server called "Windows Home Server – Sysadmin Made Easy!" 

The article looks at the various features available in Home Server and during the articles final thoughts the authors state how Windows Home Server gradually becomes invisible:

After we got the network up and working, there was hardly any need to access the console to do any administration…As it is now, Windows Home Server is a polished piece of software that just works.

You can read the full  article here.

Windows Home Server Web Roundup

A roundup of articles on Windows Home Server from the world wide web over the last few days.

First up the .net musings blog has an article on WHS and its backup potential as well as looking at online backup (cloud) solutions for Windows Home Server. As the author of the article states:

…the best of hardware I have purchased in a long time.  What amazes me is that almost no one knows about it!

Read the full article here.

IT Pro Evangelist Arlindo’s Blog has his take on his new Fujitsu Siemens Home Server which is always up from 8:00AM till 1:00PM on weekdays and from 10:00AM till 20:00 during weekends using the SCALEO Power Management” add-in.

Scaleo Power Management 

Read about it here.

Finally, a look at Live Mesh is available at the blog "Words of Wisdom From The Elder" which takes a look at the integration of the product with Windows Home Server.


Available from here.

Windows Home Server Price Drop

Beginning tomorrow, November 1, Microsoft introduces a 30% price reduction on the Windows Home Server software after a successful year on the market. Although there is no recommended price set by Microsoft, this will bring the price down to approximately $120 in the US and £80 in the UK – A great saving.

Microsoft say that they are reducing the price of Windows Home Server which comes in a System Builder version to provide additional value to the system builder community and further promote Microsoft’s new home server category.

During its first year in the market, Windows Home Server has been embraced by customers in over 50 countries and the list of hardware partners continues to grow with third-party software developers having released or have announced more than 60 Add-in programs extending the capabilities of Windows Home Server.

Windows Home Server at WinHEC 2008

WinHEC 2008

PDC2008 has just finished and next week WinHEC 2008 takes place between November 4th-7th in California at the Los Angeles Convention Center and this year the event for industry professionals has 2 sessions dedicated to Windows Home Server.

“Design Considerations for Building a Windows Home Server – CON-T577” takes place on Thursday November 06 2008 at 4:30 PM and is a level 200 event. Presented by Mark Pendergrast and CJ Saretto this session presents an overview of Windows Home Server, followed by a discussion of the market opportunities for hardware partners.

Next up is a panel discussion "Discussion: Windows Home Server – CON-P667" which takes place on Friday November 07 2008 at 2:30 PM and again is a level 200 event. Presented by Brendan Grant and Hamid Al-Azzawe this chalk talk and demonstration will provide attendees an opportunity to directly interact with an expert panel to answer any business or technical questions related to Windows Home Server. It is intended as a complement to session CON-T577, "Design Considerations for Building a Windows Home Server."

With the standard full conference registration costing $1,695.00 I wont be there, but if you are interested more information is available from the Microsoft WinHEC website.

Live Mesh Integrated with Windows Home Server

It was announced yesterday at the end of one of the WHS sessions at PDC2008, that Live Mesh would be available within the Windows Home Server product.

The WHS Team blog stated in a post:

The Windows Home Server and Windows Live Mesh teams are working closely together to define and develop a set of solutions that take advantage of the unique features of Windows Home Server and Windows Live Mesh.

As Live Mesh is just entering a beta program, the Windows Home Server team and Live Mesh teams do not have any definitive dates or delivery vehicles defined for the solutions showcased in the technology demonstration.  However, we are excited about the possibilities and hope you are too …

On the last day at the conference the team demonstrated some of the integration possibilities between the two products including an add-in that enables a user to add their Home Server to Live Mesh which also provides an extensible storage solution.

  Live Mesh 1

Files and media stored on your home server would be able to be accessed or selectively synchronized with other devices in your mesh, such as a PC, Mac or mobile phone and Windows Home Server could also be enabled as a device in a person’s Live Mesh and multiple people within your family could be provided access to their home server shared folders through their own personal Mesh.

Live Mesh 2

It’s great news that Live Mesh integration is coming to Windows home Server. The product just keeps getting better!

Video: Exposing Connected Home Services to the Internet via WHS

The 2nd video on Windows Home server from PDC2008 is now available. "Exposing Connected Home Services to the Internet Via Windows Home Server" was co-presented by Brendan Grant and Doug Berrett.

PDC2008 Video 2

In this video we are shown how to leverage the Remote Access platform in WHS to expose on-premises services running in the connected home to the Internet. See how to expose a home automation service running on Windows Home Server to the Internet, and watch a demonstration that shows how to expose services that may be hosted on other devices inside the connected home using Windows Home Server as a gateway. Finally, see a sneak preview of Home Server and Live Mesh working together to further enhance the remote experience for the connected home.

The video are PowerPoint slides are available from here.

Working with Windows Home Server

WhatPC has a 5 page article which takes a look at Windows Home Server.

The writer Alan Stevens documents his experience with a HP MediaSmart Server, looking at the hardware, software and the Power Pack 1 update.

Read it here.

Developing Apps and Services for Windows Home Server Video

If you are interested in developing for Windows Home server and were not able to attend PDC2008 then Microsoft’s Channel 9 website are hosting the video from the events session "Developing Connected Home Applications and Services for Windows Home Server".

 PDC2008 Developing

In the video cast which lasts for just over an hour, CJ Saretto and Fabian Uhse show you how to build applications and services deployed on Windows Home Server that power PCs and devices throughout a connected home. See an example home automation and energy management service, and watch the creation of an on-premises service that exposes HVAC, window shades, and lighting controls to all devices on the home network. Hear how to package the service as a Windows Home Server add-in, quickly create a configuration UI, deploy a PC application for controlling the service, and demonstrate control from other devices such as TVs and cell phones.

The video as well as the PowerPoint slides are available from here.