Tranquil PC SQA-5H Home Server Interview.

Over at, Ian Dixon interviews David Thompson from Tranquil PC on their new SQA-5H Home Server.

SQA-5H Home Server Front

You can listen to the podcast from here.

The Newbie's Guide to Windows Home Server

Buying guide resource has a great beginners guide to Windows Home Server. So if you are a newb or would just like to refresh on what WHS can do for you then check out A guide to Windows Home Server.

Add-In: VPOP3 for WHS 2.6.0g

The add-in email server for Windows Home Server, VPOP3 has been updated. The new version 2.6.0g includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fix problem with connection session not finishing properly if (the obsolete) Sophos update was enabled
  • Don’t report ‘encrypted attachment’ errors from avast!
  • Fix IMAP4 problem with certain types of attachments (Enterprise only)
  • Fix IMAP4 problem with certain complex message structures (Enterprise only)
  • Fix some problems with webmail sending messages
  • Fix problems with some reports & spamfilter whitelist in some web browsers
  • Fix problem with ‘enhanced message view’ in webmail with some invalid message headers
  • Fix some exceptions

VPOP3 is available from $72 (£40) including a spam filter subscription for 1 year.

More information is available from here.

Online Support for HP MediaSmart Server Users

If you are the owner of a HP MediaSmart Server then here are some links which may be of use to you.

Work and play from anywhere with the MediaSmart Server is a 5 page lesson detailing subjects such as What’s a server, and why would you need one at home? which looks at the different media types which we can store on our Home Server’s. Remote secure access and how to share your photos and videos remotely with Photo Webshare are also covered in the lesson. The Server is also compared to other storage solutions and finally we are showed how to setup the MediaSmart Server after it is connected to a home network.

The HP MediaSmart Server FAQ is a list of the 20 most asked questions, along with the answers, which is a great resource to find out an answer.

Information specific to the EX470 and the EX475 is also available including product information, manuals, FAQs and information on solving problems. How to setup and install and information on how to use specific parts of the software on the MediaSmart Server’s are also covered.

HP MediaSmart Server Campain Website

And finally HPs MediaSmart Server campaign website has webinar’s to watch and lots more info on the EX470 and the EX475.

Professional Developers Conference – PDC2008 Talks Windows Home Server


This time next week will be the beginning of the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Taking place from October 27th – 30th, this years PDC2008 has 2 sessions dedicated to developing for Windows Home Server, that is if you or your business can afford the $2395 USD registration fee.

On Tuesday 28th October from 5:15PM – 6:30PM in room 409A CJ Saretto and Fabian Uhse from Microsoft will be presenting “Developing Connected Home Applications and Services for Windows Home Server”.

Learn how to build applications and services deployed on Windows Home Server that power PCs and devices throughout a connected home. See an example home automation and energy management service, and watch the creation of an on-premises service that exposes HVAC, window shades, and lighting controls to all devices on the home network. Hear how to package the service as a Windows Home Server add-in, quickly create a configuration UI, deploy a PC application for controlling the service, and demonstrate control from other devices such as TVs and cell phones.

The following day on Wednesday 29th October from 10:30AM – 11:45AM in room 409A Brendan Grant and CJ Saretto from Microsoft will be presenting “Exposing Connected Home Services to the Internet via Windows Home Server”.

Learn how to leverage the Remote Access platform in Windows Home Server to expose on-premises services running in the connected home to the Internet. See how to expose a home automation service running on Windows Home Server to the Internet, and watch a demonstration that shows how to expose services that may be hosted on other devices inside the connected home using Windows Home Server as a gateway. Finally, see a sneak preview of Home Server and Live Mesh working together to further enhance the remote experience for the connected home.

More information is available from the Microsoft PDC Website.

Stay-At-Home-Servers Website Revamped

www.stayathomeserver The Old

The Stay-At-Home-Servers website has been revamped. Gone are the tongue-in-cheek "America’s Talking" debate show videos and instead are FAQ’s with questions like:




And it’s now entitled "Stay-At-Home" Server Neighbor Network – An online Bulletin board resource for families with "Stay-At-Home" Servers.

New Stay-At-Home Server Website  The New

And the best news of all is that on the Mommy sub-site is a "Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House? video featuring little Billy and the talking Stay-At-Home Server. And if that wasn’t enough you can also read a copy of the book there or buy a copy too!

Stay-At-Home Server Video The Talking Server!

Windows Home Server inside the MSI Wind Desktop

Blog "Windows Home Server – a user’s experience" has built a Windows Home Server into a MSI Wind Desktop. Although the Desktop in only available in the US, the British blog managed to get hold of one and in the process it has saved a third on juice costs.

MSI Wind Desktp and Shuttle

The MSI Wind Desktop on top of 2 Shuttle SN41G2s

Read the details here.

Building a Eco-Friendly Economical WHS

.NET Developer Dan Hounshell has a great 6 part series about building not just a eco-friendly Windows Home Server, but an economical one too.

Part 1: In search of an Eco-Friendly Economical Home Server
Part 2: In search of an Eco-Friendly Economical Home Server 2, Electric Boogaloo
Part 3: A Cheap and Green Windows Home Server
Part 4: Ordered parts for Eco-friendly Economical Windows Home Server
Part 5: Can I get a Mulligan on the Case Order?
Part 6: Adding a 1TB Drive to my WHS

Tranquil PC SQA-5H Home Server

UK based Tranquil PC have been in contact with us to announce their latest offering, the SQA-5H Home Server.


The multi-drive server comes with the latest 64 bit ready Intel Atom Dual Core processor (Intel Atom 330 – 2×1.6GHz) and 1GB of memory (upgradable to 2GB) and supports five quick install 3.5” HDDs, 6 USB HDD ports, and an eSATA port, and if that is not enough, you can plug in the SQA-Ex, a slave unit – with a further five HDD bays.


The SQA-5H offers ultra low power consumption (as little as 29W), a simple to use ‘back up now’ button and comes complete with a 3 year factory warranty.


The wife friendly cube design is near silent in operation due to The CPU and chipset being cooled without fans, whilst the HDD bay, is cooled by a slow speed controlled fan.

Available in 2 versions, the entry level SQA-5H-1000 Home Server comes fitted with 1GB memory and a single 500GB Green Power Hard disk for £399 ($692) whilst the performance based SQA-5H-2000 Home Server is fitted with 2GB memory and a single 1TB Green Power Hard disk for £499 ($865).

Also available is the SQA-Ex HDD extender which gives you an extra 5 HDD bays for £429 ($744), whilst a carrier for the SQA-5H HDDs is available for £44 ($76)each.

(All prices excluding UK VAT at 17.5%) To get 5% discount on your order (time limited offer) enter the following coupon code at checkout WGS-5WA12.

More information is available from Tranquil PC.


Add-In: TabCreator v0.0.1

TabCreator List

It is now easy to host your own applications inside its own tab within the Windows Home Server console. By using the new add-in TabCreator you can add frequently used applications to the console.

TabCreator Add New

As an example TabCreator can create the following tabs:
DVD Shrink
Task Manager

TabCreator Internet Explorer

As well as the download documentation is also available in PDF format.

More information is available from the developer at Brent’s Blog.