WHS Officially Launches in Japan

Today’s the day that the Japanese version of Windows Home Server launches in Japan. At Akihabara, the heart of the consumer technology scene in Tokyo, Streaming21 and Microsoft will be unveiling Windows Home Server at a consumer launch press event.

Companies to release Windows Home Server products for Japan include Streaming21, Dell, Epson, NEC, Mouse Computer Japan, Logitec, Thirdwave, Unitcom, Tsukumo, PDX Japan, Clevery, Regin, Applied, Sofmap, and Sycom (more here.)

For those of you interested, the full press release can be read here.

WHS Developer Guidelines Published


Microsoft have just released a document entitled Windows Home Server Developer Guidelines, which is a supplement to the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Home Server.

The 16 page .doc document provides guidelines for developers who are writing applications for Windows Home Server, following these guidelines will improve the user experience of your applications.

The guidelines look at the Windows Home Server environment and how to develop functional WHS solutions taking application security into consideration with lots of application examples thrown in for good measure.

Download from here.

Windows Home Server Team Video

CJ Saretto, Mark Pendergrast and Brendan Grant from the Windows Home Server Team appear in a couple of videos over at Microsoft’s Channel 9 and Channel 10 communities where you can learn a bit about the next release of WHS, what devs will get to program against and also to meet some of the people who passionately drive WHS evolution. The Atom CPU based Epson Endeavor is looked at as well as VIA’s reference Antigo hardware, based on a Pico-ITX motherboard.

Channel 9 video
Channel 10 video

Information from We Got Served.

Windows Home Server Saves Marriage

Take one copy of  Windows Home Server, a laptop and the latest version of the restore cd and after a creepy fast 11 minutes you have a restored computer and one restored marriage.

Read the complete story here.

Registering a Domain Name Within MediaSmart Server

OK, you have a HP MediaSmart Server and you wish to have your own domain name like ILoveMyWindowsHomeServer.com or WHSIsCool.com (you get the picture!). Then MediaSmartHome.com has a great tutorial on what you need to do by showing you how to register a domain name with TZO.COM via the WHS console.

You can read it here.

This Blog on FeedZa

After 5 months in progress web service FeedZa launched today.

FeedZa is a public RSS feed reader where the community can vote on the blog posts they find most interesting. And of course being one of the best blogs on Windows Home Server, our content is available on the service for you to view.

Check it out here.

Add-In: Recorded TV Manager 3.4.12

Recorded TV Manage 3.4.12

Recorded TV Manager is an add-in that enables you to move, copy or delete recorded TV episodes using drag-n-drop or context menus, print listings of series collections, play recordings directly off the server, and lots more.

Version 3.4.12 posted August 24, 2008 now includes support for the Recorded TV Manager Vista Media Center Add-in Beta 2 as well as various bug fixes and efficiency improvements.

More information can be found here.

UPDATED: Synchronize Files on a Remote Network with WHS


Back in May we published a tutorial on how to synchronize files that are not located on your network using Windows Home Server and Microsoft’s Windows Live Foldershare software.

Peter one of our forum users has kindly published an update to the tutorial that supports the changes introduced in the newer version of Foldershare, which can be read here.

Read and Check WHS Database Files

Two new tools have been released which are not add-in’s but utilities which are designed to help you get more from the Windows Home Server database.

The first is called WhsDbDump which dumps your Windows Home Server backup database data files to human readable .txt and .xml files for examination. This tool is more of an informational learning tool than an actual utility as it was created to help the developer better understand how the database works.

The second utility is WhsDbCheck, which performs comprehensive checks on the Windows Home Server backup database looking for consistency problems.

Both tools run under the command prompt direct from the Home Server machine. More information is available from the developer’s site Windows Home Server – SafeBackup.

Information courtesy of We Got Served.

The Home Server Show #15

The Home Server Show Podcast

In this weeks The Home Server Show #15 host David McCabe reviews a WHS training video from Train Signal and looks at a Power Pack 1 issue affecting some users. As well as the latest news, you can listen to this latest episode here.