Every House Should Have One…A Windows Home Server That Is

One guy has installed Windows Home Server on a Dell 715n server which he bought second hand.

Dell 715N


On returning home his wife told him that his computer had been beeping all day and sure enough the blue screen of death greeted him. One PC restore CD later and:

She was all fixed. Simple, no loss, no heavy investment of time… Thank you Home Server and Thanks to the WHS Product team… If you ever come to Australia, there’s a beer in it for you from me…

Read the story here.

Windows Home Server to the Rescue…Again

The Righthand Blog says that Windows Home Server is just like a bicycle helmet, in that its hoped it will never be used for real (to restore a computer). This story is about restoring a frozen vista machine from home server’s nightly backup and as the writer states:

…big kudos to Windows Home Server – it spared me a lot of work and time.

Catch the story here.

Search Updated on Windows Home Server

Windows Search 4.0 has been released by Microsoft which updates the search in Windows Home Server (amongst other operating systems). Queries and indexing are now faster and the download package contains 22 stand-alone language installers, including English.

More information is available in Knowledge Base article 940157.

Happy Birthday to us

Yes, it’s exactly 1 year ago that we started mswhs.com with a post entitled Good Evening, Afternoon or Morning – Wherever you are and what a great year it has been. From tutorial’s, breaking stories and the latest news from around the world covering Windows Home Server. This site continues to grow, attracting nearly 1 million hits in the last 12 months. Somebody said the other day we have published more articles than all the other WHS sites combined together – Wow!

1st Birthday  

With over 700 posts and our loyal readers leaving over 2,700 comments (thanks guys and girls!). The following 12 months can only be better and we will continue to report, learn and teach Windows Home Server – The server for the people.

Modifying Windows home Server

Marzouq from Kuwait takes us through the modifications to his home made Windows Home Server. Using one thin screw driver, a pair of pliers and two WHS add-ins, you can read the details here.


WHS Saves the Day after Thief

Mike Frank’s Blog has an article on where Windows Home Server saved the day for him after thief’s broke in and stole his desktop PC.

Using his WHS which was concealed in the closet Mike got back his data on a new PC. As mike says:

I put in the WHS restore CD, followed the prompts, waited a few hours and everything worked. Then I simply opened the backup of the temp machine and grabbed files that I had changed. I didn’t have to reinstall the OS and all my programs. The restore took care of that… Thank you WHS.

Read the full story here.

Windows Home Server + Xbox

Jason Buffington also known as the Xbox Dad has posted details on using Windows Home Server with his Xbox taking us through the configuration details.

Xbox Dad

Read it here.

Host Other Systems on WHS

Robert Stinnett has written an article on using Windows Home server with virtualization by using Microsoft’s Virtual Server. Robert now uses his WHS to host other systems, meaning he can now run other servers and software without installing them directly on the WHS box

Read his article here.

Hard Drive Dock

The Home Server Show Blog has posted details on a Sata HDD Multi-Function Dock and as Dave writes it makes a great hard drive dock.


More details are available from here.

Home Server Show Podcast Episode 3

Episode 3 of the Home Server Show Podcast is now available and Donavon West from Home Server Hacks is interviewed about his ShareMaster Vista Sidebar gadget and his 2GB Memory upgrade article amongst other things.

Listen or download from here.