LiveNode.Com – Goodbye, Farewell

The German Home Server Blog is reporting that the LiveNode.Com sub domain used by Windows Home Server during it’s beta period has been turned off as announced on the WHS Team Blog. The dynamic DNS service has off course since been replaced by HomeServer.Com since the products final release.

Add-In: Advanced Admin Console Feedback

Advanced Admin Console developer Andreas M is requesting feedback on his add-in for WHS. Andreas also points out that he is also currently preparing a new version of the Advanced Admin Console that will (optionally) have a shutdown button in the left corner of the toolbar.


All the info is at Andreas’ Space.

Network Storage Market Grows

Market analysis firm In-Stat are reporting that the consumer network storage market grew at a faster rate in 2007 compared to 2006, and that it has also more than doubled in the last two years. Although competition in this market has increased with more players, opportunities can be captured, including NAS, SAN, NDAS, and Windows Home Server platforms.

Vendors had been waiting for consumers to catch up with their network storage offerings, but that has begun to change. “However, many consumers are still not familiar with LAN-capable storage products,” says Joyce Putscher, In-Stat analyst. “Consumer education is likely to benefit from Windows Home Server (WHS) partners.”

Recent research by In-Stat found the following:

  • WHS purchasers will mainly be educated by PC vendors, while traditional network storage purchasers will be educated by networking equipment and storage vendors.
  • Capacities over 500GB made solid progress in 2007.
  • In-Stat’s industry-leading vendor matrix shows that media serving features continue to penetrate more models, as do remote access and DLNA compatibility.

Build and Deploy an ASP.NET Website on WHS

A great 7 part guide is available showing you how build and deploy an ASP.NET website using the Whiist Add-In on to your Windows Home Server.

Read the guide here.

WHS Team Meet – Have Your Say

I’m off to Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond tomorrow for the yearly meeting(known as the Global Summit) of Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional’s. The Summit is where the majority of the worlds MVP’s gather together for technical debate and discussion.

Most of the Windows Home Server MVP’s will be there, alongside the WHS team for a 3 day discussion on our home server’s. So, if you have any questions you would like me to ask Microsoft’s Home Server product team, leave your questions here and I’ll shall make sure that we get some answers to your questions

Windows Home Server – Can you Dig It?

Microsoft Evangelist Denny Boynton details his First Hundred Days With Windows Home Server detailing what he digs and what he doesn’t dig.

Read Denny’s Blog post here.

HP MediaSmart Server Setup Video

Blogger Ian Dixon has posted a 20 minute video showing the setting up and connection of the HP MediaSmart Home Server

Setting up a HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server
Setting up a HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server

Ian also goes through the client software installation and shows us further details in this video.

SCALEO Home Server Video's and Data Sheet

You can find out the features of the SCALEO Home Server via a Flash Demo which is available to view from here. Also available is a 7 minute video which explain how the unit from Fujitsu Siemens works.

For more information on the SCALEO Home Server 2155/1900/1500 a PDF data sheet, which is now at version 3 (April 2008) is also available for viewing/download.

Tranquil PC M one Screen Shots

If you wonder what the M one from Tranquil PC looks like, then the guys have put together some interesting screen shots in a PDF file.


Download from here.

Windows Home Server OEM Video

Another Windows Home Server video promoting our beloved server product to Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM’s). This 6 minute vid covers Diskeeper Defrag and Seagate amongst others.

View it here.