The Week in Review – Sunday's Summary

What was going on this week at Here’s your chance to catch-up if you missed something!

  • Add-In: Windows Home Server Disk Management has been updated to version
    • The Windows Home Server Disk Management Add-In has been updated to version This add-in helps you to identify the physical disc that your working with in the WHS console.For this version:  Added: Disk Information now includes Volume Shadow Copy size Changed: Storage information panel on…
  • Vancouver Talks Windows Home Server
    • The VANTUG (Vancouver Technology User Group) Windows Home Server event which we mentioned here was well received by the 220 attendees who had the pleasure to listen to Microsoft’s Kevin Beares in BC in Canada. Graham Jones kindly sent some pics of the event and says:Apart from the lucky 40 winners…
  • WHS Version 2 – Between June and December 2008
    • Many thanks to whsuser who left a comment yesterday (07 Feb 08) highlighting the blog entry by Neil Hutson on the MSDN blog entitled Neil Hutson – Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 for developers. On this post Neil states that he has had a number of customers and partners asking…
  • Two New WHS Solutions from S1Digital
    • Company S1Digital’s new website has an interesting PDF file for download that introduces 2 new Windows Home Server solutions from the company. The first is a high end slim 1U rack mount unit aimed initially at the custom installation market, with a capacity of 4TB. Also available will be an add on…
  • Available for Download – Windows Home Server Toolkit User Manual

    Microsoft has released a new white paper for us WHS users. Entitled the Windows Home Server Toolkit User Manual, it goes through the installation and configuration of the Toolkit diagnostic software. Download the .doc file. Download the Toolkit diagnostic software V1.   

  • Happy Birthday to you Both
    • Congratulations to Terry Walsh of We Got Served who are one year old on the 7th February and also to Christoph Dommermuth and the team from the German  language Home Server Blog who were also one on the 5th February as well.Wow, time goes so quick. For us at, we’ll have to wait till…
  • Add-In: How to add Suspend and Hibernate to Wake On Lan

    Poster ROUZA from the Windows Home Server Forums has posted some details on how to extend the add-in Wake on Lan to allow Suspend and Hibernate modes as well. ROUZA has available DOCX and PDF files which both include some screenshots, which are available from here.

  • Diskeeper TV
    • Diskeeper TV from the defrag people will be a series of short video clips on a variety of subjects that relate to system performance and the role Diskeeper plays. The purpose is really to shortcut reading a manual or white paper to find out some information – quickly.They have started with a few…
  • Microsoft Senior Product Manager Joel Sider talks Windows Home Server
    • The Computer Outlook Radio Talk Show host John Iasiuolo interviews Senior Product Manager Joel Sider about Windows Home Server. Joel discusses the basic purpose of Home Server, who it was built for, some of the Add-In applications available, such as tools that help you publish your own websites, to…
  • PC Advisor Magazine review the HP MediaSmart Server EX470
    • UK Magazine PC Advisor has a 2 page review on the HP MediaSmart Server EX470. Their verdict is: It’s early days yet for WHS, and it’ll be interesting to see what HP’s rivals can come up with. But as a first version the HP MediaSmart Server EX470 is extremely promising. It’s a good match for…
  • Third Party Software for WHS

    The blog “Bite my bytes” has details on their particular Windows Home Server setup and lists third party software that they use including Hamachi, FolderShare and TrueCrypt. They also use mRemote to remote access their WHS, instead of using the default option. The blog entry.

  • Add-In: WHS Disk Management Update
    • The Windows Home Server Disk Management Add-In has just been updated to version From version Added: Editable disk names – open the Disk Info window (double-click the disk), edit the disk’s name in the drop down at the topAdded: Disk SMART status and temperature in the Disk Info…
  • 20% OFF Raxco PerfectDisk for Windows Home Server
    • As we know, the new 2008 version of Raxco PerfectDisk for Windows Home Server is now available for a very respectful price of $39.99, and this includes a copy of PerfectDisk 2008 Professional for one of your networked PCs. Also available  for just $99.99 is a home site license which provides a…
  • How To Automatically Download Audio and Video Podcasts Via RSS With Windows Home Server
    • We Got Served has posted a tutorial on How To Automatically Download Audio and Video Podcasts Via RSS With Windows Home Server by using the Community Feeds for Windows Home Server add-in. The walkthrough covers audio podcasts and video podcasts in easy steps, so even I can follow along. […]

  • Add-In: Windows Home Server Disk Management has been updated to version

    The Windows Home Server Disk Management Add-In has been updated to version This add-in helps you to identify the physical disc that your working with in the WHS console.

    For this version: 

    • Added: Disk Information now includes Volume Shadow Copy size
    • Changed: Storage information panel on main tab now shows disk space statistics (used, free, shadow copy size) per disk and globally
    • Changed: Removed disk controller and SCSI path info from storage information panel (this data is still present in the hidden listview columns and the Disk Information dialog)
    • Changed: Moved Disk Information button to toolbar
    • Fixed: Unmanaged disks with multiple drive letters are now displayed correctly
    • Fixed: Perpendicular/Vertical drive bays can now break to a new row manually (check the “Row End” box when adding the last bay in a row)
    • Fixed: Storage Wizards now cannot be closed while they are working
    • Fixed: Storage Wizards now show your customized disk name (if present)
    • Fixed: Storage Wizards now properly handle long disk names
    • Known issue: Unmanaged disks mounted as mountpoints are displayed as requiring attention

    Developer  states that the add-In is still in beta/development and would like your help by posting any bugs/issues and suggestions here.

    Vancouver Talks Windows Home Server

    The VANTUG (Vancouver Technology User Group) Windows Home Server event which we mentioned here was well received by the 220 attendees who had the pleasure to listen to Microsoft’s Kevin Beares in BC in Canada.

    WHS-Canada2 WHS-Canada3

    Graham Jones kindly sent some pics of the event and says:

    Apart from the lucky 40 winners of a copy of WHS there was a high demand for the 120 day eval copies and we didn’t have enough to satisfy that. There was a very wide range of questions and in depth technical support was available when needed. We connected remotely to 3 different WHS machines and Kevin demonstrated both a client backup and a server backup as per PP1. He also demonstrated all of the remote features of Windows Home Server except connection to the desktop

    WHS-Canada1 WHS-Canada4

    Finally NCIX.COM (largest OEM reseller of WHS in Canada), one of the sponsors of the event had one of their directors and Product Manager there who stated that they were working on a small form factor OEM packaged product to be released soon.

    WHS Version 2 – Between June and December 2008

    Many thanks to whsuser who left a comment yesterday (07 Feb 08) highlighting the blog entry by Neil Hutson on the MSDN blog entitled
    Neil Hutson – Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 for developers.

    On this post Neil states that he has had a number of customers and partners asking what “Microsoft” products will be supported at the Windows Server 2008 at launch and beyond? And as whsuser states in a category Neil calls “What are we planning to support in the second half of 2008?” is listed:

    Windows Home Server vNext

    Now to me this sounds like news that version 2 of WHS shall be available this year sometime between June and December. I wonder?

    UPDATE: The entry now seems to have disappeared. The plot thickens!

    Two New WHS Solutions from S1Digital

    S1Digital Logo

    Company S1Digital’s new website has an interesting PDF file for download that introduces 2 new Windows Home Server solutions from the company. The first is a high end slim 1U rack mount unit aimed initially at the custom installation market, with a capacity of 4TB. Also available will be an add on unit that will provide another 4TB in another 1U rack unit providing 8TB in total in a 2U setup.

    S1Digital WHS1

    and the other appears to be based on Intel’s WHS solution.

    S1Digital WHS2 

    Pricing and availability are to be announced, but more information is available on this weeks episode of The Media Center Show #143 – S1Digital on Cablecard around the 53min 26 sec mark.

    Many thanks to Chris Lanier’s Blog for the info.

    Available for Download – Windows Home Server Toolkit User Manual

    Microsoft has released a new white paper for us WHS users. Entitled the Windows Home Server Toolkit User Manual, it goes through the installation and configuration of the Toolkit diagnostic software.

    WHS Toolkit Manual

    Download the .doc file.

    Download the Toolkit diagnostic software V1.



    Happy Birthday to you Both

    Congratulations to Terry Walsh of We Got Served who are one year old on the 7th February and also to Christoph Dommermuth and the team from the German  language Home Server Blog who were also one on the 5th February as well.

    Wow, time goes so quick. For us at, we’ll have to wait till June 5th till ours comes around. Well done guys


    Add-In: How to add Suspend and Hibernate to Wake On Lan

    Poster ROUZA from the Windows Home Server Forums has posted some details on how to extend the add-in Wake on Lan to allow Suspend and Hibernate modes as well.

    ROUZA has available DOCX and PDF files which both include some screenshots, which are available from here.

    Diskeeper TV

    Diskeeper TV from the defrag people will be a series of short video clips on a variety of subjects that relate to system performance and the role Diskeeper plays. The purpose is really to shortcut reading a manual or white paper to find out some information – quickly.

    They have started with a few “general”  1-2 minute videos to get the ball rolling. Including one on Windows Home Sever.

    Available from here.

    Microsoft Senior Product Manager Joel Sider talks Windows Home Server

    The Computer Outlook Radio Talk Show host John Iasiuolo interviews Senior Product Manager Joel Sider about Windows Home Server. Joel discusses the basic purpose of Home Server, who it was built for, some of the Add-In applications available, such as tools that help you publish your own websites, to hosting your own blog, to performance apps like Diskeeper.

    Joel wraps up the interview with info on where he expects to see the Home Server evolve in the future. If you have an hour to kill this podcast can give you a good overview of what Windows Home Server can offer you.

    The podcast can be listened to online or as an MP3 download.