Exclusive: Windows Home Server Tool Kit Updates

For those of you that don’t know, the Windows Home Server Tool Kit is a collection of utilities that can help you diagnose Windows Home Server product installation and operation related issues within your home network, it is not just an add-in.

Today we can tell you about what is planed for newer releases of the Tool Kit. Future functionality will include more server-side diagnostics and server-side repair and protection tools including the facility to repair the data base as well as the only current option of deleting it. Also in the works is a Toolkit User Manual to help us through the mine field of options available.

The Windows Home Server team are also working on a solution to backup the server itself. The solution will allow you to create an external copy of the server backup which you will be able to store on a separate hard drive that isn’t managed by Windows Home Server itself and is not a part of the “pool” of drives. By creating this copy of the server backup you would be able to restore WHS and the backup database, some thing that is not available at present. Microsoft have said that they are planning for this to be made available to their customers soon.

HP MediaSmart Stuff

If you missed the HP and Microsoft MediaSmart Server Webcasts from November the 8th and 9th, then thanks to one of our readers Allen who has supplied the replay links.

Nov. 8 Replay Link:

Nov. 9 Replay Link:


In the ZDNet Photo Galleries they have some images up of HP’s slick, simple MediaSmart Home Server for your viewing pleasure.

HP Personal Domain Name

Questions – We need your Answers

We have some questions from our readers that we are posting here so (hopefully) you can help answer them. First off we have Jacques from Switzerland, who asks the following:

Do your PC’s wake up each night and go to sleep automatically after being backed up by WHS ?
I have three PC’s, all with Windows Vista installed. Two of the PCs do no go to sleep after the backup in the night, the third PC works fine most of the time, but once a week it does not backup. I think this problem is more related with Vista’s sleep mode rather than with Windows Home Server, but I am sure that I am not the only one with this …
Many thanks for your help

Next up is Bob Crook, who is experiencing slow transfer speeds:

I currently have two Windows Home Servers running, one pre-release and one new full version, both with Gigabit Ethernet Cards, and both connected to a Gigabit network switch.  Since it is not possible to transfer one hard drive from one WHS to another without losing data, is there any workaround that anyone has found for huge data transfers? I have noticed that I am only getting a transfer rate of around 4 megabits per second copying speed between the two servers so moving all my data is taking a long time to say the least. Is the response “Oh well” or do we pray for someone in the 10Gbe industry to produce a low cost card and switch just for us. Maybe someone can develop a USB connection device like the file transfer cables used between computers to speed up such a transfer process.

Thirdly Wm Johnston has an issue with the WHS Connector software:

I got my copy of the OEM WHS Today and have been unable to get the connector software to work no matter what I do. I have even copied it form the WHS Install CD with the same results. Is there a download version with fixes, or a work around. I beta tested and everything went great with all the different versions on my equipment. I’m at a loss why the OEM release is giving everyone so many problems.
Any help, suggestions. Thanks.

And finally Jermaine asks the following:

Do you guys know that if I buy a Media Server and put a movie onto it, would I be able to go to work, log-on to the server and be able to watch it?

There we go, four people thinking of buying a Windows Home Server system or that already have one but are having some sort of problem that require your help. Over to you!

Duplication Info Add-in for WHS Updated

The Duplication Info Add-in for Windows Home Server has been updated to version The add-in allows you to see how files are duplicated between hard drives.

Change Log:

  • New icon
  • Fixed “CreateFile() failed.” problem with path which contains some non-ASCII characters

More information and the download are available from here.

EX475 MediaSmart Server Available for Pre-Order in the UK

A search for Hewlett Packard EX475 on Google.co.uk brings up 2 retailers that are taking pre-orders for Windows Home Server. First is Amazon.co.uk selling the EX475 for £456.51 with free UK delivery. Interestingly they also have a 3 and a 5 year extended warranty available for an additional £115.99 and £176.99 respectively.

Next is Play.com (UK) who are selling the same unit at the higher price of £499.99 again including free delivery. They have a due for release date of 5th December (2007).

That’s quite a difference of £43.48 between the 2 sellers. I wonder who you will use to pre-order your EX475?Wink

Windows Home Server on Computer Talk Show

Let’s Talk Computers which has been broadcasting computer news and reviews since 1989 has an interview with Joel Sider, Senior Product Manager for Windows Home Server, who discusses the features of WHS.

The 15 minute interview from November 10, 2007 is available for Real Audio or Windows Media Player formats from here.

The Week in Review – Sunday's Summery

What’s been going on this week at mswhs.com. Here’s your chance to catch-up if you missed something!

  • HP and Microsoft MediaSmart Server Webcast
    • Over 200 people attended the HP and Microsoft MediaSmart Server Webcast yesterday. The sixty minute event included a sideshow, live demonstrations followed by questions and answers.     If you missed it, the next event will be taking place on Tuesday November 27th with with Paul Thurrott from…
  • HP MediaSmart Server – Pics and Review
    • The reviews are rolling in for the HP MediaSmart Server’s. CNET awarded the EX475 8.7/10 and concluded their review by saying:“…We recommend this system all the way to anyone looking to take full control of their data”. If you want to see what the inside of the MediaSmart Server looks like…
  • avast! WHS Edition – Antivirus Solution Updated
    • avast! WHS Edition, the antivirus solution for Windows Home Server has been updated to RC (Release Candidate), which means that the next version should be the final retail version.The change log for this version 4.7.26 includes: fixed further communication issues with the WHS console improved the…
  • Save $20 on HP MediaSmart Server
    • Amazon.com have a special offer available at the moment on both the EX470 and the EX475 MediaSmart Server’s. Just enter the following code at checkout and you will Save $20.00 when you purchase 1 or more HP MediaSmart Servers. Great stuff, and by the way that is the same code that is being given…
  • Add-In: WHS Event Monitor – What would you like to see in V2?
    • The add-in Windows Home Server Event Monitor that monitors the server event logs and emails the results is due to be upgraded to V2, and developer Dave Mercer would like your suggestions in regard to what you would like to see incorporated. Some of the updates might include: Alerts based on specific…
  • 3 Known Issues with Windows Home Server
    • Known Issue: KB941913 fails to install When doing a Windows Update on Windows Home Server, the KB941913 update may fail with the following error message: The following updates were not installed:Update for Windows Home Server (KB941913) The workaround is available from here.Known Issue: Home Server…
  • HP MediaSmart Server FAQ Posted
    • The official HP MediaSmart Server FAQ has been posted over at hp.com with 19 questions and answers. One that caught my attention was the following:If my hard drive crashes, would it be possible to re-image a new hard drive for my computer using the HP MediaSmart Server?Yes, The HP MediaSmart Server…
  • HP Webcast – $20 Discount Voucher and Transcript Available
    • The first live webcast about the HP MediaSmart Server was hosted yesterday and all attendees received a $20 discount voucher for use at amazon.com.Don’t forget there is another webcast today as well as two more later on this month, so make sure you sign up to learn some MediaServer facts and to…
  • Media Sharing Document for WHS Released
    • This Technical Brief, “Windows Home Server – Media Sharing” provides an in-depth look at the features and functionality of Windows Home Server Media Sharing.The 23 page PDF document covers what Media Streaming is and how to enable it in WHS. Supported media file formats are listed for photo,…
  • Knowledge Base Updated
    • The Knowledge Base has been updated with article 943903.Information about when to use the backup feature in Windows Live OneCare or when to use the automatic backup feature in Windows Vista or in Windows Home Server.
  • How to Troubleshoot WHS Problems
    • Computerworld have published an article entitled How to troubleshoot Windows Home Server problems, which details solutions to issues you may run into with Windows Home Server and it’s associated software. The five page article by Preston Gralla shows you how to: Get The Windows Home Server…
  • Tranquil PC T2-WHS-A2 Pictures and Ordering Info
    • The T2-WHS-A2, from Tranquil PC is now shipping for £399.00 (Excluding VAT at 17.5%) The T2-WHS-A2 is the second Home Server in the series, and in it’s most basic form, provides up to two internal 3.5? high capacity drives.  The drives are mounted on our own custom ‘cooled’ semi-suspended…
  • 5 Windows Home Server Reviews
    • First off, COMPUTERWORLD have a comprehensive 5 page Windows Home Server review by Preston Gralla who states:“For once, Microsoft hasn’t ‘dumbed down’ a software package“.Next, HelpWithWindows.com, who take us through the features of WHS in this 3 page review.Site Digital trends also have…
  • Windows Home Server Version 2 in 2009
    • Blogger Andrew Dugdell has just posted live from the Windows Home Server Session in the States presented by Todd Headrick and Joel Burt. He has posted a list of snippets which he learned from the event there, but the one’s that caught my eye were the following: Largest known home server storage to…
  • The Ultimate Case Mod for Windows Home Server
    • Andrew Dugdell, also known as Dugie Is building a Windows Home Server machine like lots of us are doing, but with one difference. He’s building his in a replica arcade machine. If your going to build a Home server, why not do it with some style – The ultimate case mod! You can follow the […]
  • Paul Thurrott – “Overall, WHS is a wonderful solution for problems you never knew you had “
    • Paul Thurrott’s has posted his Windows Home Server Review over on his SuperSite for Windows. Detailing the features and taking you through the installation and configuration. He concludes by saying what he thinks is missing from Home Server and explains where you can get it from. One of his final…
  • Tranquil PC Presents The Diary of a Home Server User
    • Over on the Tranquil PC’s Weblog, they have a great series on the go entitled Diary of a Home Server. An online biog of a Tranquil PC T7-HSA user. You can catch up with the IT Nerd (also known as Paul) as he writes his real world experience diary – the good, the bad and […]
  • Exclusive: Extra 10% Off KeepVault for WHS
    • We discussed the other day that the online backup service for Windows Home Server was out of beta and available for purchase. Finally, we have a way to protect our Home Server’s if you unimaginable happens, and we come home from a night out to find the house burnt down, flooded or …you get the…
  • Create Blogs and Web Sites using Windows Home Server
    • We brought you information the other day about Telligent Graffiti CMS Windows Home Server that will al
      low users to create simple web sites. Whether it’s a personal blog, publishing a family calendar, sharing photos or easily creating content and using themes.The easy to use content management and…
  • WHS Full-Featured Print Server Support?
    • Gadget site Gizmodo have an article entitled, The Windows Home Server Nitty – Gritty.What caught my eye was the following: …Microsoft’s current plan is to provided two releases a year on a major/minor cycle, with the first minor release coming some time in early 2008. Among the features…
  • Client-Side SDK to be Released for Developers
    • Brendan from the web site I Hate Linux has some great news for Windows Home Server add-in developers. Yesterday we reported on two new videos, one of which was with lead Home Server developer Chris Gray, where he talks about building add-ins for WHS. In the video Chris mentioned a client-side SDK…
  • Add-In: mControl – Home Automation Software
    • We mentioned the other day that mControl is now available for Windows Home Server. The add-in allows you to view, manage and secure your home . mControl integrates lighting systems, security panels, security cameras, climate control and audio/visual components into a unified interface. Finally home…
  • Intel Announces SS2400 Release Date
    • Intel’s reference design server is the one chosen by Velocity Micro and Fujitsu Siemens for their Windows Home Server products. Intel has decided that they want a piece of the action too, because it will now market the device as the Intel Entry Storage System. Available in two models, the SS2400-E…
  • HP YouTube Videos
    • We Got Served has the details that HP have set up a channel on YouTube, to show off their MediaSmart offerings. Four videos are up at the moment, one of which shows the MediaSmart Server in all it’s glory.
  • The Top 2 Straight in the Charts
    • Its the top 100, and at number two and climbing up the charts its the HP EX475 MediaSmart Server, and straight in at number one this week, in the computer & PC Hardware category its the HP EX475 MediaSmart Home Server. OK, enough of sounding like a DJ. The charts I’m referring to here are the…
  • Win a Copy of Diskeeper 2008 HomeServer Edition
    • We announced yesterday that Diskeeper 2008 HomeServer Edition had been released, and courtesy of Diskeeper we have a copy to give away to 5 lucky winners. The defrag tool, especially for Windows Home Server integrates into the console and defragments your computer in real-time with no drain on…
  • Two Videos
    • We have two new videos for you on Windows Home Server. The first one is at Channel 10, the place for enthusiasts with a passion for technology where Product Manager of the Windows Home Server team Charlie Kindel talks and shows us the newly released small HP MediaSmart Server and it’s screwless…
  • Velocity Micro NetMagix HomeServer
    • On sale from the 9th December (2007), the Velocity Micro NetMagix HomeServer is a small, sleek unit that can be situated in a horizontal or vertical position. Starting with 500GB of expandable storage capacity. It is available with the following specs for $899: Black ChassisDual Core E2140 dual…
  • OEM Pre Built: Proteon Home Server
    •       OEM System Builder Advantec Computer has been added to the Windows Home Server pages at Microsoft. Their PC entitled the Proteon Home Server (nice name), includes the following:Antec Sonata III Chassis with 500W Power SupplyIntel S300AH MotherboardCore 2 Duo 2.4Ghz 1066Mhz FSB 2×4MB…
  • Microsoft Updates WHS Pages
    • After all the press releases yesterday, Microsoft has updated its Windows Home Server pages with details of retail venders, WHS system builders, manufacturers and some links to some cool extras as well. The pages can be found from here and clicking on System Builder, Manufacturer or Cool Extras in…
  • Microsoft’s Troubleshooting Tips
    • We have the following troubleshooting tips for help during setup of Windows Home Server, courtesy of the Windows Home Server sub-pages over at Microsoft.Troubleshooting tipsHaving problems setting up Windows Home Server? Ensure that you’ve taken these simple steps: Plug in and power on your home…
  • Add-In: New Version of Duplication Info
    • The add-in Duplication Info has been updated to Version 1 What is unique about this add-in, is that it displays what hard drives your duplicated files reside on, enabling you to see how drive extender works  Change Log for When exception raised while initializing, try to…
  • Add-In: Windows Home Server Event Monitor Update
    • Just 7 days and this is the 4th update. Wow, developer Dave Mercer is very quick at bug busting his add-in. Windows Home Server Event Monitor has now been updated to version with some big changes this time.Bugs: The UI now scans the available Event Logs as opposed to hard-coding what I think…
  • Piranha Home Server
    • German company Leo are a trade hardware vender for Windows Home Server. Their offering is the Piranha Home Server. Using a Intel Celeron 430 (1.8GHz, 512KB, Conroe) and based in a stylish MiniPC mATX case. It offers the following: Fortron 350Watt pPFC 120mm ATX 2.0 Power SupplyFoxconn 45CM-S V+A+L…
  • OEM Pre Built: Ace Computers AHS_300 and AHS_400
    •     Ace Computes are offering 2 PCs for Windows Home Server. The AHS_300 (pictured above) which uses the NSK1300 MicroATX Cube case from Antec and the AHS_400 (pictured below) with Hot Swap Drive facility. This time using the Mini-ITX ES34069 chassis from Chenbro which only measures 10.24” x…
  • OEM Pre Built: Universal Home Server
    • Universal Home Server from Universal Systems is available for $750.00 and includes: Intel Core 2 Duo E2140 1.60GHz Dual-Core 800MHz FSB with 1MB Cache LGA775 (Conroe)Intel DG31PR Core 2 Duo µATX LGA775 Motherboard   • Intel G31 Chipset, 1333/1066/800 FSB  • 2 x DDR2 DIMM Sockets  • Intel…
  • OEM Pre Built: Enpower EN-501 Home Server
    • The Enpower EN-501 Home Server from PC Club offers the following for only $649 pre built.    INTEL ® CORE 2 DUO E2140 1.6 S775 RTL CPUMICROSOFT® WINDOWS HOME SERVER SoftwareGBT S775 DDR2 GA-945GCMX-S2 uMAX Motherboard with Intefrated Graphics, audio and 10/100 ETHERNET 275W PS SLIM MATX…
  • More WHS Hardware – MAXDATA Belinea o.center
    • MAXDATA Belinea o.center is an energy-efficient unit, which will allow up to four hot plug SATA hard drives to be connected and offers advanced management and media
      functions. No more information is available on this unit at the moment, but you may want to keep an eye on the o.line page at Belinea.
  • Life|ware Life|storage
    • Available in early 2008, the Life|ware Life|storage will offer enterprise-class storage to consumers, including Life|ware Entertainment and Automation Server software for home management. 1 gigabit network capability and 1.5 or 2.25 terabyte of storage in a 4-space rack-mount or set-top unit,…

HP and Microsoft MediaSmart Server Webcast

Over 200 people attended the HP and Microsoft MediaSmart Server Webcast yesterday. The sixty minute event included a sideshow, live demonstrations followed by questions and answers.



If you missed it, the next event will be taking place on Tuesday November 27th with with Paul Thurrott from the Supersite for Windows site followed by the last event  on Thursday, November 29th with Ed Bott from ZDNet. More information is available in this post.

For those of you that are interested, included here is a copy of the Q&A from yesterday’s Webcast:

HP MediaSmart Server – Pics and Review

The reviews are rolling in for the HP MediaSmart Server’s. CNET awarded the EX475 8.7/10 and concluded their review by saying:

“…We recommend this system all the way to anyone looking to take full control of their data”.


If you want to see what the inside of the MediaSmart Server looks like then SmallNetBuilder has a sideshow of both models, including a look at the HP customized interface.


avast! WHS Edition – Antivirus Solution Updated

avast! WHS Edition, the antivirus solution for Windows Home Server has been updated to RC (Release Candidate), which means that the next version should be the final retail version.

The change log for this version 4.7.26 includes:

  • fixed further communication issues with the WHS console
  • improved the file system filter driver (removed certain stability issues)
  • minor fixes in the WHS console
  • updates in the AV engine
  • added help files
  • added language packs (~30 languages)
  • This version should be feature complete

This version is available for testing from this page and support in available from the avast forums.