MVP List is Growing


Congratulations to Terry Walsh the 4th person to be voted by Microsoft as an MVP in the Windows Home server category. Terry runs We Got Served another great site dedicated to the WHS community.

An MVP or Most Valuable Professional is an individual who has exceptionally contributed to technical communities worldwide in their given category. Once again well done TerryOpen-mouthed.

50 Windows Home Server beta testers need to test the NEW Diskeeper Home Server

Diskeeper is after your help, over to them:

50 Windows Home Server beta testers are needed to test the NEW Diskeeper® Home Server – English Language edition!

This is a limited program. Only the first 50 completed and signed applicants will be accepted AND, you must be a previous customer of Diskeeper (please provide email address used to purchase or register software). You will need to complete testing by October 7th and take a survey of about 40 questions (most are multiple choice). Yes, we understand this is a short time frame, but the software is primed for release and has been through several stages of testing already; we want to get this on the market! You can have the chance to get the first peak at this exciting and fully WHS-integrated version of Diskeeper.

To sign up for the Diskeeper Home Server field test please visit, and select the Windows Field Test Application Form.

Please note that you will need to sign the non-disclosure agreement. In short this means that you must refrain from discussing the pre-release software publicly. Please read the document for the full requirements and instructions.

We hope you have fun testing the software!

Michael Materie

Director of Product Management

Diskeeper Corporation

Questions and Answers

Questions were asked during and after the the Microsoft Windows Home Server Virtual Launch Event. Listed below are a few which I thought you would like to read along with the answers and content I have added in italics

  • Question: If you have one file but different names on two different PC’s, will one or two copies be backed up?
    Answer: One. Backups are performed at the “block” or “cluster” level.
    The backup software analyzes every cluster on your computer and compares the data in it to clusters already stored in the backup database on WHS. If a cluster is already backed up, it doesn’t back it up again, instead it stores a “pointer” to the pre-existing instance of the cluster.
  • Question: Can WHS act as FTP server as well
    Answer: Yes it can.
    More info at the WHS forums WHS as FTP server ?
  • Question: How will the certificate warning dialog in IE be fixed?
    Answer: We have not announced details yet. Sorry.
    More info in our article Is there a Problem with your Security Certificate? 
  • Question: Can WHS be used to image SBS?
    Answer: We do not test or support this scenario, but we’ve heard of reports of people doing it.
    More info at the WHS forums How to backup the WHS Server.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional List Grows

Ken Warren and Rick Hallihan join Grey Lancaster today as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional’s (MVP’s) in the Windows Home Server category. The MVP Award is given to thank individuals for their exceptional contributions to technical communities worldwide. Congratulations to Ken Warren one of the most prolific, and helpful posters on the Windows Home Server Forums and Rick Hallihan author of Windows Home Server: Protect and Simplify your Digital Life.

Rick_Hallihan    QuestionMark

Rick Hallihan                             Ken Warren, who does NOT have a ? going through his face.

News from the WHS Launch Event

I’ v now had the time to review the content from yesterday’s Windows Home Server Virtual Launch Event and I must say there were some interesting findings.

– A list of partners for WHS was displayed and Microsoft’s spokesperson added that the OEM Partner Center will become a place where you can go and be connected with these companies enabling you to see what they are doing for Windows Home Server and to allow you to get in touch with them.


– We were able to have a first time look at Intel’s Entry Storage System the SS4200-E which should be available between now and Christmas. And a very nice beauty she is too.


Intel has no information on the storage section of their site yet regarding this particular model.

– It was also announced that eventually Windows Home Server would be moved to the Server 2008 kernel instead of it’s current 2003 offering. Which just proves how serious the future of WHS is being taken.

– One of the slides from the presentation which made me ponder for thought was the following:


Looking at the possibilities made me think wow! I could connect my home security equipment including CCTV using  the appropriate add-in to my Home Server. A centrally integrated task list, phone book and integration with other Internet services. The list is endless – Long live Windows Home Server.

WHS Virtual Launch Event Web Seminar On Demand Copy Available


If you missed the live Microsoft Windows Home Server Virtual Launch Event yesterday all is not lost. An on demand copy of the web seminar is available to view from the US Partner Readiness site. Presented by Walt Perry the 1 hour 9 minutes presentation has a lot of great information on WHS.

Windows Home Server Coffee Anyone?


A table was setup by Microsoft at the “Linux Cafe” coffee shop in Tokyo to promote Windows home Server. Ironically the cafe was setup by a group of people to promote Linux and here we have what appears to be coffee Windows Home Server style.
On closer inspection MARS Magazine said that:

 “Microsoft’s people simply wrapped cans of Boss coffee in their product logo”

    Linux_Cafe windowcoffee

I don’t feel so much of a geek now…one lump or two?

Microsoft employee store has WHS for $35

If you are a Microsoft employee then we have some good news for you, Windows Home Server is now available from the Microsoft Company Store for $35 (online not sure about physical).

Wow, I want to work for Microsoft… One of the perks for working at Bill Gate’s empireTongue out.

Thanks to Bob for the info.

WHS at your own risk says PC Magazine


PC Magazine has an online review on Windows Home server. Writer Oliver Reed came to the conclusion that it was a
“..respectable first attempt at a software-based, home-oriented network-attached-storage environment”. He added however that “from a full-fledged home server perspective, the company missed the boat on features such as parental controls and auditing. It’s also aimed squarely at the OEM market. Those who want to construct their own WHS appliance can do so at their own risk.”
It was given an overall editor rating of 3.5 out of 5.

The full review is available at PCMAG.COM along with accompanying photos.

Windows Home Server, Sweet!

Paul Thurrott one of the judges in the Code2Fame Challenge has posted some pics on his blog of when he was there in Seattle. Anybody for a sweetie?
