Add-In HomeBase now works with SmartPhone's

We discussed HomeBase here but unfortunately it did not work with phones like the T-Mobile DASH, or some Palm Treo devices using the MSI file that was packaged with the installer. Essentially, any device not running Professional or a Touch Screen edition (or a full Windows Mobile/CE version) would have had issues, but developer Aleksei the Programmer has come to the rescue, and has made available a version for SmartPhone (Standard) SKU’s of Windows Mobile which he has made available here.

For anyone running a regular version of Windows Mobile (like what is found on most touch screen HTC devices (like the T-Mobile MDA or T-Mobile Wing or  Sprint PPC-6800 ) can use the Mobile Client from the MSI as indicated in the video.  He will be creating a small FAQ site for his Add-In and re-packaging the MSI with this new “Smart Phone” client for the next release.

UPDATE: Aleksei has created a FAQ site and installer guide for HomeBase.

On-Demand Web Seminar Available: Windows Home Server – Bringing It All Together


As previously reported the Windows Home Server Webcast with Live Q&A is available to view online as an On-Demand Web Seminar. The 1 hour and 11 minute presentation includes audio and slides by presenters Walt Perry and Daryn Rank and is entitled “Windows Home Server – Bringing It All Together”. In this discussion Recorded August 30, 2007 are details about the features, selling points, form factors, configuration, and many other details about Windows Home Server.

The presentation is available from here.

NOTE: You need to be signed up to the Partner Program to view the recording.

New WHS Documents

WHSLogoProgramRequirements_0001    WHSSystemBuilderRequirements

Microsoft’s OEM site has published two new PDF’s for Windows Home Server. The Logo Program requirements for WHS are published in an 11 page document entitled Windows Home Server – v1 System Requirements. This document details what is required, recommended or not allowed to pass Microsoft’s Logo Program. Everything from internal hard drive types and BIOS boot order to sound pressure levels and heat requirements are covered.

The second PDF, System Builder Requirements is a one page document detailing the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for Windows Home Server.

As Microsoft says before you build your first Windows Home Server machine, take a few minutes to review these documents.

NOTE: To download these files you must be a registered member of Microsoft’s OEM Partner Center. Click here to register.

Remote Notification Add-In – System Health Notifications to Email & SMS

Remote_ Notification

It is good to see great add-in’s starting to be developed for Windows Home Server. Big Al’s contribution is called Remote Notification which is designed to forward the System Health Notifications from the Home Server to an email address, allowing you to easily check the server health status when away from home. All WHS notification events are intercepted including those issued by 3rd party add-in’s and the configuration process also allows you to setup an email to SMS service, so if out and about your mobile device will receive a text message.

More information and the download link has been published by developer Alex “Big Al” Kuretz.

UPDATE: To setup the email to SMS service, you will need your mobile phone carriers “SMS gateway” details. Once setup an email message from the Internet will be delivered to your cell phone as an SMS text message. For a list of world wide carriers and the format required see this article and check under SMS Gateways and Other Carriers.

HP MediaSmart Server Forum Opens

It is good to see new communities opening on the web for WHS. The newest one is a forum dedicated to the HP MediaSmart Server series of PCs. Designed to serve as a community for enthusiasts of the HP MediaSmart Server to share information, offer support, and enjoy the product together.


For HP related news reviews and general discussion give the HP MediaSmart Server enthusiast community a try.

Add-In:KeepVault WHS beta 2.1 – An online backup service for your WHS

We reviewed KeepVault 2.0 in the past and was impressed and now KeepVault WHS beta 2.1 is available for download. KeepVault is an online backup service for your Windows Home Server. The software fully integrates into the Home Server console enabling you to select which shares you want to protect. It then monitors for changes/additions to these shares and automatically uploads them to secure storage servers hosted by DriveHQ. If this auto backup routine is not for you you can also upload once every evening (Midnight to 6am) instead. New in this beta is the ability to limit the amount of bandwidth used for your uploads and of course being an online/off site backup service you can access your protected files anytime via the web by logging into your account at


This current beta includes a free account with 3GB of storage space, with a 10 MB download limitation but Pay-for accounts are available for higher storage needs. KeepVault are still tweaking the pricing for the WHS market but as an example, currently they are offering 13GB for just about $8/month. You can see all their pricing plans here.

A KeepVault spokes person hade this to say:

“We take the back-end storage reliability very seriously – so you likely won’t see some of the other outrages deals promised by other service providers simply because our reliability and data security requirements are pretty strict. We definitely understand the cheaper prices from the competition, but want to make it clear we’re definitely going to target users who value uptime and reliability of their backups – and we won’t throttle uploads in any way, unlike some of the other guys. With that said I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the pricing when we roll out the service. Also keep in mind KeepVault is designed to protect the data on the WHS server, and we think it’s pretty easy to use.”

In their previous beta KeepVault were using MediaMax as their storage provider but due to reliability and API issues DriveHQ now provides the storage space.

Download KeepVault today for a trial run and let us know what you think.

NOTE: This beta version will expire October 1, 2007. File protection will stop and the WHS console will notify you that the beta software has expired. A final release version will be released after this date.

UK Stock Runs Out!


A source has told me today that UK stock of Windows Home Server has run out and a new batch is being pressed in Germany right now and should be available by the middle of this week. By then hopefully prices would have stabilized and at least here in the UK we should be able to get hold of a copy for under £100 ($203). At the moment we have novatech at one end of the scale with WHS @ £86.95 ($176.57) and at the other end with a whooping £133.16 ($270.41). That’s a £46.21 ($93.43) difference!

Add-In Tab Developer Tool Released

Brendan has posted a “Windows Home Server Tab Test Loader”. It is a tool that enables add-in developers to quickly and easily test their add-in’s without having to deploy them.

So if you are a developer you can can find more info and the download link at Brendan’s site “I hate Linux”.

Add-In: HomeBase


Developer Alexandros “Aleksei” Nipirakis aka Aleksei the Programmer has developed a two in one add-in that allows you to:

  1. Run your own blog on your Windows Home Server and edit it from one of the connected PCs or a Windows Mobile device
  2. Access file shares from your home server on a Windows Mobile device with pictures being automatically resized

These two things can be done from anywhere in the world that has wireless access.

Aleksei the Programmer has also posted a video for the Code2Fame challenge on Soap Box , which shows how the software works.

The following thread at Microsoft’s WHS forums has more details as well as the download link.

UPDATE: Aleksei has created a FAQ site and installer guide for HomeBase.

Home Server Download Manager – Updated

As you can see a new version of Home Server Download Manager is available and the main thing that you may notice is that the interface is now in English (Whoopee – My German is awful).


Some of the features are:

  • Two download functions are supported, without registration at the server for everyday downloads and those that require registration with the server (eg: RapidShare premium accounts).
  • As well as on demand downloading a daily download option is available so you can schedule your downloads to take place during the day/night at a regular interval.
  • The HTTP protocol is implemented, FTP Download/Upload will be added later.

Still only available as an internal release the beta should be available from the weekend beginning the 15 September 2007.

Information obtained from the German Homeserver forums.