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The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 256

Episode 256 of the Home Server Show podcast is all about home automation: I’m departing from server talk for the

Add-In: Drive Bender v2.0.3.6 Beta

Drive Bender have released a new update to their beta build. Version beta has the following change log: [Bug

KeepVault 45% Discount

Its backup awareness week 2014 and to start the celebrations online backup provider KeepVault are offering a 45% limited-time discount.

Add-In: Drive Bender v2.0.3.4 Beta

The beta build of Drive Bender has a new release. Version beta has the following change log: [Updated feature]

60% Off Microsoft Press eBooks

With Microsoft Press leaving, the guys are offering 60% off ALL eBooks from Microsoft Press for one week only.

My Movies 5 Pre Release 4

Pre release 4 for My Movies 5 has just been released with the following change log: Added: Access to API

CloudBerry Backup Introduces Cloud to Local Backup

The CloudBerry Blog explains that new in version 3.8 of CloudBerry Backup is a new feature, Cloud to Local Backup:

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 255

What is an average server? The answer could be on episode 255 of the Home Server Show podcast: We talk

Add-In: Drive Bender v2.0.3.2 Beta

The beta release of Drive Bender has a new release. Version beta has the following change log: [Bug fix]

Down Time Apology

Apologies for the 39 hours of downtime. From Sunday to Monday was experiencing downtime due to a host error.